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Is it possible to do two degrees at once? (1 Viewer)


New Member
Jan 6, 2014
Part One

In yr 12 my parents forced me to do science subjects which I absolutely hated and had 0 talent in (I was a social science type of guy).

No one listened to all my pleading, explanations, begging and crying and for the last 2 years of high school I was subject to emotional depression and psychological torture by my parents, teachers, tutors and peers for my poor marks. I just could not bear studying chem or phys for even an hour. Something which my parents always blame me for.

Now with an ATAR of 67.90 I am hated by my parents and am subjected to mental torture everyday.

Now to ease my situation I want to go to a campus university. I intended to go to OUA and do a part time job but my parents refused and since I cannot take this pain anymore I have to give in to their demands.

I have applied through UAC for a Bachelor in Business and Commerce degree at UWS. I have applied for as many of its majors and campuses as possible since I really want to get into a big university and UWS is my best shot for this.

Although I meet the ATAR requirements for the courses for which I have applied I am scared I will not get an offer due to my low ATAR. I only meet their ATAR requirements by +2.5 points. And I have heard that unis do not give offers to all ATAR requirement meeting applicants.

I really need help because this is my last shot. If I don't get in I will be kicked out and I do not even have a job yet (I have applied at several places) so I won't be able to support myself and I can't ask a friend for help either due to my embarrassing ATAR. I can't go to TAFE either due to the embarrassment.

Part Two

I have now gained offers from 2 degrees.

1. Bachelor of Business and Commerce (Management) at UWS

2. Bachelor of Liberal Arts and Science at University Sydney (this was very hard. I managed to get a late round offer through the Broadway scheme. A feat which I am very proud of)

and I may receive a 3rd offer from UWS for the Bachelor of Engineeering in the next round.

I do not want to do engineering at all. But my parents are giving me only two options if I want to stay in the house. Either the engineering degree or the business degree. In that case I would choose business as I absolutely hate and detest maths and physics and never done well in them in my HSC even though my parents made me do both in my HSC.

But I really want to do the liberal arts degree from U Syd. I was even prepared to compromise by doing an Economics major instead of the History major I originally wanted to do. But my parents think that I will need to do further postgraduate studies with that major in economics just to get a job. My father wants me to start working and running the household in a couple of years so he can stop working. And postgraduate study will just delay the time by which I will get a job.

My dad thinks with an engineering degree I will head straight to a career as its a 'professional' degree whereas I don't care about the money.
When I talk about uni prestige they say I can transfer later from UWS after doing well in engineering (which is, I know, practically impossible) or doing well in Business (of which there is no guarantee andin my opinion is a waste of time in my opinion when I can already have a foot in NSW's top uni)

I have been told numerous times that I will be thrown out if I go to U Syd and do that degree. My dad was so angry he broke a glass!!! :(

I won't get my centrelink payment till my bank account is ready. And I don't think my centrelink payments for Youth Alowance will even be enough to get me accommodation from Sydney University in the case I leave my parents' place just to do BLAS from USyd.

So I really have nowhere cheap and affordable to stay.

With great difficulty I had my photo card made from the RTA office immediately yesterday. And with great difficulty shall I sneak off to U Syd this Monday just to accept my offer.

SO, I wanted to ask if I can do two degrees at once? A full time degree at UWS would be like 2 days a week and a part time degree from U Syd would by 6 contact hrs a week (??). Is it possible to do both from different unis? Would they allow it?
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Active Member
May 10, 2012
Uni Grad
just put in the effort at whichever course at uni. get a good wam. and transfer to your desired course.


Oct 3, 2012
You cannot do 2 degrees at once but I agree with Praer, it's not the end of the world.


May 7, 2009
Uni Grad
Um wow. Your domestic situation sounds pretty terrible :(.

Isn't there a way to combine the engineering or business degree at UWS with say a Bachelor of Arts so you could major in History or whatever while doing "professional studies" to please your parents and pretty much win both ways?

Or if not, l agree with the previous poster and you should aim to just do what you want. Although that's much easier said than done :/


Active Member
Jan 9, 2012
Sydney, Australia
Uni Grad
I haven't seen any rules or policies at studying at two undergraduate universities at the same time, but remember if one uni exam clashes with another uni exam, that is not a suitable excuse for an extension/special consideration of an exam.


realest nigga
Jun 10, 2012
ya mum gay
Uni Grad
Too long; didn't read lol. I skimmed through your situation and it seems like you're in a bit of tough spot. My parents wanted me to do business/commerce or law and go into the cooperate world and make money irrespective of my wants. Do what I did in my HSC (this does take a bit of work) and what I'm doing now is saying to them "yes I do commerce/law" and I made a fake uni timetable to schow them but really I'm doing engineering/science. I thought it out pretty well


Active Member
May 10, 2012
Uni Grad
Too long; didn't read lol. I skimmed through your situation and it seems like you're in a bit of tough spot. My parents wanted me to do business/commerce or law and go into the cooperate world and make money irrespective of my wants. Do what I did in my HSC (this does take a bit of work) and what I'm doing now is saying to them "yes I do commerce/law" and I made a fake uni timetable to schow them but really I'm doing engineering/science. I thought it out pretty well
wut? i thought you were doing actuarial studies o.o"


realest nigga
Jun 10, 2012
ya mum gay
Uni Grad
wut? i thought you were doing actuarial studies o.o"
i changed it because i didn't think ill make it to the end so i decided to do engineering and science in maths and hopefully ill get into the quantitive risk which would be a pathway to actuarial studies.


New Member
Jan 6, 2014
Too long; didn't read lol. I skimmed through your situation and it seems like you're in a bit of tough spot. My parents wanted me to do business/commerce or law and go into the cooperate world and make money irrespective of my wants. Do what I did in my HSC (this does take a bit of work) and what I'm doing now is saying to them "yes I do commerce/law" and I made a fake uni timetable to schow them but really I'm doing engineering/science. I thought it out pretty well
how do you do that? And what about uni exam results and books? How do you manage?


Active Member
May 10, 2012
Uni Grad
i changed it because i didn't think ill make it to the end so i decided to do engineering and science in maths and hopefully ill get into the quantitive risk which would be a pathway to actuarial studies.
Yeah I guess it'd require quite a bit of effort.

how do you do that? And what about uni exam results and books? How do you manage?
he's going into his first year.
But i believe that as long as you put in an effort to whichever subject, you should be able to get a decent wam and then transfer your course. as long as you do a relevant degree you shouldn't have wasted any time of your first year, effectively gaining you a spot in your desired degree.


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2011
Firstly, sorry to hear about your situation. This should not be happening in this country.

Tell your parents that engineering does not hold the same 'prestige' as they think it does (I'm assuming you're curry or arab).
They definitely should not dictate what you do - however, they are giving you advice and guidance based upon their understanding - so tell them why you don't want to be an engineer and why you probably wouldn't land a job either. Tell them why you should make a great whatever you are trying to do. If you can graduate from uts/mq/unsw/usyd with a business degree and a D average in 3 years - you will most likely get a job etc etc.

Also, the whole 'whereas I don't care about money' thing - you should. To have a comfortable life, you need a decent income - I'm sure that's all your parents want (I'm assuming a lot here).

Why do you so badly want to do liberal arts? Because its at USYD?


Perpetual Student
Aug 23, 2011
Sorry about your situation. Your parents views are certainly misguided and ignorant, but things like this:

My father wants me to start working and running the household in a couple of years so he can stop working.
is just downright selfish. I think that seems to be why your parents want to control what you do. So I think the question I'd want to ask you is, do you really want to run your family's household, or go out and have your own life? I understand there may be cultural reasons behind this, but if you really are committed to this extended family paradigm, I don't believe you have any choice but to follow your parents wishes. This is unless, of course, you think your parents would let you back in if you completed your choice of degree, got a decent job and proved them wrong.

So if your answer to the above question is the latter option, then this would be my advice.

Do the UWS Business degree for the time being, and work on getting as high marks as you can. Unfortunately for now, seeing as you can't move out, that is probably your best option. In the meantime find a part time job to start building up some money behind you to move out. Maybe even two. The good news about the areas of study you seem to be going into is that you do have relatively low contact hours, so you could work some full weekdays and get a decent amount of money if you organise your timetable correctly. Of course, you'd have to make sure that the jobs you do would offer you day long shifts like that. A lot of retail shops should be good for that type of thing, but yeah that's just one option, do your research and see what type of jobs suit you.

Then, at the end of your first year, hopefully you would be established enough at your workplace to be earning a steady income that, when combined with your Centrelink payments, should be able to support you living out of home. Transfer into an Arts degree if you really want to study History, or maybe Commerce/Arts if you end up enjoying Business enough. If prestige is an issue for you than you can change universities too, but really, if you perform well it shouldn't matter too much where you go. If at this stage your parents change their minds then great, but otherwise, you have that luxury to live out of home if need be.

Good luck. :)


shepherd of the people
Mar 28, 2013
Part One
I just could not bear studying chem or phys for even an hour. Something which my parents always blame me for.

whereas I don't care about the money.
Hahaha chit- you didn't have the self discipline (ps that lack of discipline is what your parents really blame you for, if you'd gritted your teeth for 2 years you could now study law or w.e else you 'humanities kinda guy' do these days) to study for two subjects you didn't enjoy but you think you have enough to make it in this world without money.

Sounds like you're gonna get naturally selected right the fuk off of this planet.


Active Member
Oct 25, 2012
First of all, I am sorry to hear about your situation. Please only take this as constructive criticism.

Part One

In yr 12 my parents forced me to do science subjects which I absolutely hated and had 0 talent in (I was a social science type of guy).

No one listened to all my pleading, explanations, begging and crying and for the last 2 years of high school I was subject to emotional depression and psychological torture by my parents, teachers, tutors and peers for my poor marks.I just could not bear studying chem or phys for even an hour. Something which my parents always blame me for.

Now with an ATAR of 67.90 I am hated by my parents and am subjected to mental torture everyday.
I am going to be honest here - your atar is your fault. A person who cannot even force him/herself to do something they don't like for an hour deserves to fail. Yes, I know you probably could have done better if you chose different subjects but guess what? You probably would have done better too if you tried a little harder.

Part Two

I have now gained offers from 2 degrees.

1. Bachelor of Business and Commerce (Management) at UWS

2. Bachelor of Liberal Arts and Science at University Sydney (this was very hard. I managed to get a late round offer through the Broadway scheme. A feat which I am very proud of)

and I may receive a 3rd offer from UWS for the Bachelor of Engineeering in the next round.

I do not want to do engineering at all. But my parents are giving me only two options if I want to stay in the house. Either the engineering degree or the business degree. In that case I would choose business as I absolutely hate and detest maths and physics and never done well in them in my HSC even though my parents made me do both in my HSC.

But I really want to do the liberal arts degree from U Syd. I was even prepared to compromise by doing an Economics major instead of the History major I originally wanted to do. But my parents think that I will need to do further postgraduate studies with that major in economics just to get a job. My father wants me to start working and running the household in a couple of years so he can stop working. And postgraduate study will just delay the time by which I will get a job.
1. An economic major requires ECMT1010 and ECMT1020. Both are statistic units and almost 100% maths-based. If you struggle with high school maths (which sounds like you do), you will struggle with both courses. I mean, even without looking at the actual course content, you are competing with commerce and economics students here who are (a) very hard working international students or (b) domestic students who got > 90 for their ATAR. Either way, as someone who has done both, I can tell you that you will fail if you take the same approach as you did with physics and chem.

2. You do not require a postgraduate degree to get a job with an economics degree. You can just use your degree to apply to sit for the CPA (if you majored in accounting) or apply for a firm as a commerce grad would. That being said, be aware of the differences between an economics degree and majoring in economics. Without going too deep, economic students can choose from the business school subject list (marketing, financial economics, accounting, commercial law etc.) while arts students cannot. The difference will affect your job prospects.

3. Contrary to what the other poster said, I do not find your parents selfish. I find them a bit overbearing but they seem to care about you. They probably want to pass you their business so that you have a secured source of income.

My dad thinks with an engineering degree I will head straight to a career as its a 'professional' degree whereas I don't care about the money. When I talk about uni prestige they say I can transfer later from UWS after doing well in engineering (which is, I know, practically impossible) or doing well in Business (of which there is no guarantee andin my opinion is a waste of time in my opinion when I can already have a foot in NSW's top uni)

I have been told numerous times that I will be thrown out if I go to U Syd and do that degree. My dad was so angry he broke a glass!!! :(
Engineering grads do have a lower unemployment rate and higher median income than arts grads.

As for prestige..there really is no prestige when you are doing arts. If its your greatest passion in life, then sure...go for it. I know girls who got 95+ ATAR and who did advance arts at usyd simply because they love english literature. However, the vibe I am getting from you is that you love your pride and you want to go to usyd because its the top uni in nsw. [/QUOTE]

I won't get my centrelink payment till my bank account is ready. And I don't think my centrelink payments for Youth Alowance will even be enough to get me accommodation from Sydney University in the case I leave my parents' place just to do BLAS from USyd.

So I really have nowhere cheap and affordable to stay.
If your family really disowns you, then you'd get $480 a fortnight. That is enough to rent a room close enough to Usyd for you to study.

How do I know this? Because this is what happened to me around the same time last year.

As I said in my earlier post, 2013 was a year from hell for me. Living on youth allowance, even with a part time job, was not fun. Be prepared to cut out the movies, the dinners, the clubbing and the drinking from your life. Bus tickets will suddenly look very expensive and you'd probably end up walking an hour each week to and from Chinatown just to cut grocery costs. Oh and you'd probably have to share a room as well because living in the CBD/Newtown is expensive as hell. On top of that, you have to cook and clean for yourself as well as share house duties.

Yeah, its manageable but its not fun. I don't understand why you will want to move out when your family is still willing to look after you.

With great difficulty I had my photo card made from the RTA office immediately yesterday. And with great difficulty shall I sneak off to U Syd this Monday just to accept my offer.

SO, I wanted to ask if I can do two degrees at once? A full time degree at UWS would be like 2 days a week and a part time degree from U Syd would by 6 contact hrs a week (??). Is it possible to do both from different unis? Would they allow it?
Technically speaking it is possible. However, I don't know if HECs (government student loan) is willing to pay for two of your degrees at once. If not, then you are busted.

Also, the workload for one degree is substantial and UWS is quite far from Usyd.

My advice is the same as last time: go to UWS for a year to do business, do well then transfer. Its only a year and you end up with the same qualification and costs at the end if you are successful.


Active Member
Jan 9, 2012
Sydney, Australia
Uni Grad
Why not just do a combined dual Bachelor of Business & Commerce/Arts degree at UWS? Though I'm not sure if they offer Geography as a major but maybe with Science they do.


Jan 19, 2013
Youth Allowance for an independent is around $400 per fortnight, not really enough for renting in Sydney (unless you can find some friends and share a place). So you'll have to work.

Whilst I do agree that you should ignore your parents' wishes, I just don't think its entirely feasible at this point (you also don't want your parents to hate you for their entire lives). The best option would be to complete the Business degree at UWS, get a job and study a B Arts part-time later on.

Doing a degree at USYD and UWS isn't a smart idea. As mentioned already, once exam-times hit you don't want to risk having two exams on the same day. You'll basically end up with a zero (and probably a fail overall) and "I had another exam at a different university" is not a reason for obtaining a supplementary exam.

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