Hey all,
I'm looking for some units to take as electives (mainly in Politics/social sciences), that are CHALLENGING and also engaging and interactive. Units where people actually participate actively in tutorials rather than stay quiet? I know that depends entirely on the people taking the course, but I find that I enjoy learning in an environment where people engage with the text intellectually and exchange views, rather than just answer the required questions when called upon.
If you enjoyed any particular unit in the Arts which you actually gained a lot from, pleeeeease let me know!
Thank you.
I'm looking for some units to take as electives (mainly in Politics/social sciences), that are CHALLENGING and also engaging and interactive. Units where people actually participate actively in tutorials rather than stay quiet? I know that depends entirely on the people taking the course, but I find that I enjoy learning in an environment where people engage with the text intellectually and exchange views, rather than just answer the required questions when called upon.
If you enjoyed any particular unit in the Arts which you actually gained a lot from, pleeeeease let me know!