I would be extremely skeptical of this. In HR, psychometric testing (such as the UMAT) is something we do quite regularly and those tests are designed in a specific way to test specific traits. It is extremely difficult to replicate such an exam without knowing the appropriate benchmarks and information. It isnt like a HSC paper, where almost anyone with the relevant competence can draw up a practice paper. Companies like Medentry etc design the exams without having the necessary information and without an actual copy of a UMAT paper to go off (besides the ACER materials). So their papers cant be considered a reliable and accurate version of what's expected in the UMAT. I am not saying that they are completely useless, but people should be aware of this before paying several hundred dollars for the materials. If I were doing the UMAT, I'd focus on the papers ACER issues - a relevant, but easier paper is much better than an irrelevant but harder paper.