words of a true engineerspecial relativity is the stuff that happens at the speed of light
This is talking about the speed of light and time travel btwNot possible due to mass dilation, you would literally reach a mass of infinity as you approach the speed of light.
If you use Einstein's equation of E = mc^2 (i.e. The equivalence of mass and energy), it would mean that you would need an infinite force to move.
That being said however, if you were to travel faster than the speed of light (i.e. Superluminal velocities) then you'd achieve time travel, but you would only be able to travel back in time rather than forwards.
Simplified derivation of E = mc2 from Special Relativity using minimal mathematics: http://www.emc2-explained.info/Emc2/Derive.htm#.VJQadDC88How does the equivalence of energy and mass () really fit in to the topic of special relativity?
Is it to do with mass dilation?