Everything pre-final will generally be straightforward as long as you follow both the Calculus and Algebra tutorial problems regularly (+ MATLAB). So whatever you learn for your 2nd Calculus quiz, you will find that the questions for that quiz will be similar to the questions in the problem set for those topics covered. When finals come, 65% will be straightforward, but the rest can be quite tricky to solve in time, so you will need to practice those past finals and time yourself. If you can get a decent attempt at most questions and get then right, you will be on track for 85+. Even if you leave out 75% of a whole question, there is also a good chance that you could get HD if you answered most of the other q's right. It is a pretty hard course, but if you're motivated and put in a decent effort, you should be fine. The final exam, especially for 1151/1251, will play a HUGE factor in differentiating between D/HD students, so there are heaps of students will do really well pre-final and then just scrape a 75-80 overall, and there will be those who don't do as well pre-final but still manage to pull of a mark close to the 90's, so it always comes down to one's own effort which will ultimately define their final result.