How do I prepare for the entire Area of Study, and especially for Creative Writing and the essay. I have been getting poor results in my English Tests.
English is a broad subject and we have to blindly accept that, that english is luck based. For the essay, I would look at the rubric and make paragraphs on it (e.g. Belonging is influenced by our surroundings) and expand on that in order to make it like a paragraph essay so then you don't have to waste time thinking in an exam about what you're going to right. Also make sure you are addressing the question (i.e. statement) properly and always refer back to your thesis statements. Once you know how to develop your arguments through paragraphs, I'd recommend you start applying it to essay questions
Same thing with creatives, break up the rubric bit and bit and write a creative on each point. Once that is done, learn to apply and adapt it to certain stimili
Get consistent feedback throughout the year and learn from your mistakes. Don't worry I suck at english as well. Try doing questions which are non essay because it's not always going to be an essay question
Good luck