I actually have a few friends in both USYD Health Sciences and a few friends enrolled in dentistry courses around the country so I hope my response helps with your final decision
1. USYD Oral health & USYD Health science degrees are very very vague degrees that I believe are targeted for students who aim to transfer into more specific degree so it is very difficult to find employment upon graduation as it doesn't actually offer you the qualifications needed for a specific position (i.e. you cannot practice dentistry with an Oral Health degree and may have to go into research/marketing/dental assisting or areas related
to the field but not
in the field). This is the same problem with degrees in Health science, Vision science and medical science - you are provided with knowledge and education in health but realistically and legally, you cannot practice health - so your career options are slightly limited, especially if you originally planned for a career with patient interaction and 'hands-on' activity.
My friends who are currently in the middle of their course are planning to either transfer out or complete their Masters in a degree that guarantees employment. Note that transferring out of these courses are difficult since majority of the students chose the course in hopes to transfer out into the degree of their original choice.
H o w e v e r, if you are unsure of what career path you want to head down into, then these degrees are perfectly fine since you have time to experience/experiment and try out different areas in health before settling down into one

2. USYD Dentistry is a highly competitive course and is extremely difficult to get into - hence why a lot of my friends are actually studying dentistry interstate in either Adelaide, Queensland or Newcastle since it takes a significantly shorter time to complete but provide students with the same qualifications. However, the con lies that they have to move interstate but it is very, very common for dentists currently working in Sydney to have graduated from an interstate university since USYD is the only university in Sydney to offer the course. (Might be wrong actually?)
3. In regards to your plans for post graduate dentistry, I just want to say that it is still difficult to get into and in the off-chance that you are unable to obtain the required GAMSAT or pass the interviews, there are also other med/health-related degrees that I recommend that at least guarantees you job after graduating since you are provided with a license. I recommend USYD/WSU's Physiotherapy, UTS midwifery (similar to nursing but you have more agency and legal authority for certain procedures), any of USYD Applied sciences (radiography, speech pathology, occupational therapy) etc etc. Almost all of these courses will come with clinical placements throughout your studies and you will be ready to practice in clinics and hospitals upon graduation.
If you want more information regarding alternate paths to dentistry or any more information regarding any of the courses above, feel free to PM me and I can give you a more detailed answers. Best of luck!