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Active Member
Jun 11, 2021
How would I go about in structuring my response for this question?
"Analyse how factors influencing customer choice impacts on a business's selection of marketing strategies."


Le Phénix Trilingue
Aug 22, 2019
Krak des Chevaliers
Uni Grad
First, let's look at the sections of the syllabus that this question assesses. We notice that "factors influencing customer choice" comes from the influences on marketing component. Marketing strategies in this section is being referred to as a whole, meaning that any of the elements that fall under the marketing strategies component may be used in your response.

In terms of structure, you may wish to follow a structure similar to this:
  • Introduction
  • Body paragraphs
  • Conclusion
Consider the following example of a sample paragraph covering the economic factor influencing customer choice:

Economic activities influence consumers’ buying behaviours. During recession, consumers are more reluctant to spend, especially when considering higher-priced items. During boom periods, consumer confidence rises and they are more willing to spend. Domino’s pricing strategy is price points, where its menu range includes higher-price gourmet pizzas as well as low-price value pizzas. This means the products that it offers display a good price range suitable for all types of consumers during different periods of the economic cycle. On the other hand, promotion at Domino’s varies depending on economic activity. During economic downturn, Domino’s advertising addresses the recession as well as the value its products deliver, which is as seen during the 2009 recession. This is done to increase the appeal of Domino’s low price range products, ensuring that recession will not affect it negatively. During a boom, even though consumers are more willing to spend, they may choose to purchase pizzas from gourmet Italian restaurants or Crust instead. Domino’s advertising during boom period focuses on its high quality ingredients, menu range and introduction of new products.

As you can see, this sample paragraph integrates syllabus elements required by the question (the Economic factor influencing customer choice being highlighted in orange, and the marketing strategies components being highlighted in green). The student has also integrated relevant case study material to support their point (highlighted in blue). This paragraph attempts to indicate the effect of economic conditions on a business and used Domino's to reinforce their point. The point is then furthered (in order to thoroughly address the question) by exploring how the assertion relates to marketing strategies of a business, which the student also illustrated through the use of Domino's as a real-life example.

I hope this helps! 😄


Active Member
Jun 11, 2021
First, let's look at the sections of the syllabus that this question assesses. We notice that "factors influencing customer choice" comes from the influences on marketing component. Marketing strategies in this section is being referred to as a whole, meaning that any of the elements that fall under the marketing strategies component may be used in your response.

In terms of structure, you may wish to follow a structure similar to this:
  • Introduction
  • Body paragraphs
  • Conclusion
Consider the following example of a sample paragraph covering the economic factor influencing customer choice:

Economic activities influence consumers’ buying behaviours. During recession, consumers are more reluctant to spend, especially when considering higher-priced items. During boom periods, consumer confidence rises and they are more willing to spend. Domino’s pricing strategy is price points, where its menu range includes higher-price gourmet pizzas as well as low-price value pizzas. This means the products that it offers display a good price range suitable for all types of consumers during different periods of the economic cycle. On the other hand, promotion at Domino’s varies depending on economic activity. During economic downturn, Domino’s advertising addresses the recession as well as the value its products deliver, which is as seen during the 2009 recession. This is done to increase the appeal of Domino’s low price range products, ensuring that recession will not affect it negatively. During a boom, even though consumers are more willing to spend, they may choose to purchase pizzas from gourmet Italian restaurants or Crust instead. Domino’s advertising during boom period focuses on its high quality ingredients, menu range and introduction of new products.

As you can see, this sample paragraph integrates syllabus elements required by the question (the Economic factor influencing customer choice being highlighted in orange, and the marketing strategies components being highlighted in green). The student has also integrated relevant case study material to support their point (highlighted in blue). This paragraph attempts to indicate the effect of economic conditions on a business and used Domino's to reinforce their point. The point is then furthered (in order to thoroughly address the question) by exploring how the assertion relates to marketing strategies of a business, which the student also illustrated through the use of Domino's as a real-life example.

I hope this helps! 😄
Thank you so much!!!! It helps a lot :)
Have a nice day!!


Le Phénix Trilingue
Aug 22, 2019
Krak des Chevaliers
Uni Grad
odin4252 said:
As the title suggests, I was wondering if you're allowed to use businesses that aren't based in Australia in an assessment task (poll should be attached to this post).

The business in question is 'FAIRPHONE', and I want to use them in my task as they showcase many aspects of CSR (eg. fair liveable wages and sustainable practices), which is important to the task I'm doing. 'FAIRPHONE' sells their phones in Australia throughout third-party retailers (eg. AMAZON), but I'm not sure if that means I can use them, because they don't actually have any storefronts/operations in Australia.

If I can't use 'FAIRPHONE' as a business for a case study within my assessment task, does anyone have recommendations for similar businesses that uphold CSR? Thanks.
Essentially, if the use of international businesses is not explicitly forbidden as part of the assessment details, then you are able to discuss any business as you see fit (i.e. any business that you believe would be most consistent with the information and concepts that you are covering), regardless of the business's size or home country. However, to my knowledge, there are no restrictions on the size or home country of businesses that constitute case study material in Business Studies. Numerous international businesses, such as McDonald's and Google, are often discussed by students.

The fact that Fairphone does not have standard operations/business activities in Australia does not necessarily mean that it cannot be used. Selling phones in Australia constitutes sufficient grounds for you to use this business. Without mentioning Amazon in any way, you can simply state that Fairphone is a phone manufacturer that sells phones to consumers in Australia. This is because the specific business that you choose to discuss is not as important as being able to understand the content and apply it to a particular business context.

With that being said, if you end up choosing to discuss another similar, yet more traditional business, you can use Apple given that they have very similar environmental initiatives and would enable you to cover CSR as intended. Apple recently published an Environmental Progress Report, a considerable part of which covers their environmental contributions with respect to the iPhone.

I hope this helps! :D

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