What order should I be approaching topics in my Fitzpatrick Advanced and Extension 1 textbooks? (Year 10 self study) (1 Viewer)


New Member
Oct 27, 2021
Now that we are in the school holidays, I've purchased the New Senior Mathematics textbooks and I am looking to self study and get ahead of my classes from the get go.
I haven't started yet, as I'm still revising and refining what I've learnt in year 10. But looking at the contents pages of both ext. 1 and adv, I am left confused as to where I should start.
Chapter 1 for Adv is Algebraic techniques, but for Ext it's Further work with functions, yet the topic "Functions" is chapter 4 in advanced.
So, should I be doing the chapters 1-4 of Adv (Algebraic techniques, Trigonometry, Further algebraic techniques and Functions) before even beginning Chapter 1 of Ext (Further work with functions)?
I'm supposed to do the chapters in ascending order right?
Does Further work with functions assume knowledge of Functions from maths adv? (and other extensions of topics in advanced e.g. Further trigonometry (adv) and Further trigonometric identities(ext))

I'm just worried I'll jump into Extension 1 and have no clue what I'm doing because I was supposed to learn it in Advanced. And I don't want to only learn what's in advanced, as both classes run and start at the same time.

Anyways, happy holidays :)


New Member
Oct 27, 2021
oh btw if you only did cambridge, id still be interested in the order of topics you did between advanced and extension.

my school uses cambridge, but i wanna get ahead with fitzpatrick so that when i have homework i’m not just doing cambridge twice.


Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2019
oh btw if you only did cambridge, id still be interested in the order of topics you did between advanced and extension.

my school uses cambridge, but i wanna get ahead with fitzpatrick so that when i have homework i’m not just doing cambridge twice.
cambridge ext 1 book has the advanced and ext 1 topics together in one book lol. maybe have a look at the cambridge chapter progression in a pdf or smth, then do those chapters in fitzpatrick in that order?


New Member
Oct 27, 2021
cambridge ext 1 book has the advanced and ext 1 topics together in one book lol. maybe have a look at the cambridge chapter progression in a pdf or smth, then do those chapters in fitzpatrick in that order?
thank you for the reply

I have tried that
it’s clear what order I’m supposed to be doing with advanced, yet cambridge still has all of its extension chapters seperate, and majority of them lie towards the final 4 chapters.
ext and adv are two different classes which run at the same time, which do different topics at the same time, so I myself should be starting both an ext1 and adv topic at the same time, no?

however, a similarity between both cambridge and fitzpatrick is they both start with extension on graphing, followed by polynomials, but after that their orders divert. so, i guess i should be starting chapter 1 with chapter 1 after all.

still seems a little weird that i am doing “further work with functions” way before i actually do “non-futher work with functions”


Bored Uni Student
Jan 11, 2021
thank you for the reply

I have tried that
it’s clear what order I’m supposed to be doing with advanced, yet cambridge still has all of its extension chapters seperate, and majority of them lie towards the final 4 chapters.
ext and adv are two different classes which run at the same time, which do different topics at the same time, so I myself should be starting both an ext1 and adv topic at the same time, no?

however, a similarity between both cambridge and fitzpatrick is they both start with extension on graphing, followed by polynomials, but after that their orders divert. so, i guess i should be starting chapter 1 with chapter 1 after all.

still seems a little weird that i am doing “further work with functions” way before i actually do “non-futher work with functions”
lot of schools do the course in different orders, some start at functions whereas others go straight into combs/perms. They can't do topics such as further calculus or further trig straight out of the gate unless they're doing the adv counterpart as well so calculus and trig respectively.

your best bet would be to start on functions since its the most easiest and should ease u into the difficulty of the course then combs/perms just in case ur school starts witih that. For functions u can study the adv part first then do further work with functions. There's no real link between combs/perms and adv content? its really just a stand alone part but the most connections i can see is with adv statistics? which is just stuff u did in juniors so yea.

if ur just planning to do the topics ur school might do for first term, then perhaps further work with functions + combs/perms will help since its most likely either topics would be first - the other topics seem more geared towards the end of the course.


Jun 3, 2014
South of here
Uni Grad
Now that we are in the school holidays, I've purchased the New Senior Mathematics textbooks and I am looking to self study and get ahead of my classes from the get go.
I haven't started yet, as I'm still revising and refining what I've learnt in year 10. But looking at the contents pages of both ext. 1 and adv, I am left confused as to where I should start.
Chapter 1 for Adv is Algebraic techniques, but for Ext it's Further work with functions, yet the topic "Functions" is chapter 4 in advanced.
So, should I be doing the chapters 1-4 of Adv (Algebraic techniques, Trigonometry, Further algebraic techniques and Functions) before even beginning Chapter 1 of Ext (Further work with functions)?
I'm supposed to do the chapters in ascending order right?
Does Further work with functions assume knowledge of Functions from maths adv? (and other extensions of topics in advanced e.g. Further trigonometry (adv) and Further trigonometric identities(ext))

I'm just worried I'll jump into Extension 1 and have no clue what I'm doing because I was supposed to learn it in Advanced. And I don't want to only learn what's in advanced, as both classes run and start at the same time.

Anyways, happy holidays :)
Probably focus on algebra and functions, you can come back to trig later. Because if you want to make a real head start, start diving into differentiation.

My class did induction second last of year 11 extension 1, which actually was helpful coz then you could proof useful stuff etc.

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