Recalling my experience, I feel like it was a bit of a mix. Trial exams are in most cases the first exams that students sit which are essentially designed to reflect the format/structure of HSC exams. While this in itself could lead to stress, I do not recall being stressed for any of my trial exams, with the exception of my Information Processes and Technology trial exam, for which I was slightly stressed prior to sitting it, although that could have been due to arriving at school too early and having to wait outside the exam room for some time. In addition to having prepared to the best of my abilities, the other reason that enabled me to maintain my confidence and reduce stress was the fact that trial exams are worth significantly less than HSC exams.
As for HSC exams, I personally felt more excited than I was stressed. Not only did the completion of each of my HSC exams mark the end of each of my subjects, but seeing a physical HSC paper right in front of me made me happy and optimistic (likely because I then realised all the hard work that I put in throughout year 12, much like you, and that this was the culmination of it). With that being said, I was only slightly stressed for my Business Studies HSC exam, but that stress disappeared as soon as I sat down and started the exam.
A few things I did in order to minimise stress about my HSC exams in particular were:
- Eating well.
- Sleeping and waking up at reasonable times as well as sleeping for a sufficient amount of time.
- On the night before each exam and on the day of the exam, I would do a little prayer (optional, depending on your own circumstances).
- Arriving at the exam hall at a reasonable time, therefore avoiding the issue that I faced with my IPT trial exam.
- Thinking about what it means to be sitting my HSC exams and how exciting it would be to be finally done.
I hope this helps!