HELP (1 Viewer)


New Member
May 7, 2022
Just practice lots of essays and short answers and give them to your teacher until you’re perfect at them, and make sure you’re getting 10/10 consistently on multiple choice


dentista 😍🫶
Apr 10, 2023
How do I win SOR in trials????? i want a state rank help me i need to beat who is coming first at my school aghhhhh
Memorise the syllabus Front to back
Bc the syllabus is so old, there’s only so much they can ask u and they end up asking extremely similar questions every yr in the hsc
So just perfect ur writing atp


New Member
May 7, 2022
Memorise the syllabus Front to back
Bc the syllabus is so old, there’s only so much they can ask u and they end up asking extremely similar questions every yr in the hsc
So just perfect ur writing atp
Yeah I just made a response for every syllabus dot point (didn’t memorise the whole things but knew the structure) and it applied to every single question, and helped me (and most of my class) to 15/15 short answer


ATAR loading...
Aug 25, 2022
Yeah I just made a response for every syllabus dot point (didn’t memorise the whole things but knew the structure) and it applied to every single question, and helped me (and most of my class) to 15/15 short answer
Did u do this for HSC as well (I'm assuming your accelerated)


Active Member
Sep 27, 2023
Hi can anyone help me with my ethics (bioethics) response for chrstianity and mark it? It is out of 6
Explain ethical teaching in christinity
Ethics procide a guide for chrisitians so that their daily living reflects scriptural principles of faith. They belive that human are created in the image of god and their lives should be chersished s genesis 1:27 states " in the image of god he created them" . This refers to the ethical teaching of sanctity of human life, in regards to abortion nd Euthanasia.n This iisue of abortion is opposed in most denominations. For eg Catholics believe that it a human life shoudl not be terminated in any circumstance. although uniting church belive that if mothers life is in danger or the feotus is suffering one can undergo the procedure. The taking of humn life should not be taken into own hands as god states in duetoronomy "I kill and i make alive" if adherents take desicsioon into own hnads they violate the divine soverieghnty. This is lso in regards to the ethicl issue of euthanasia as it violates the princople pf double effect : do no evil" as no good will come out of this act. Focus on gods will will help christina adherents mirror Jesus's actions and principles while focus on ethical teachings.

Pls help i dont even know wtf im doing I would be really grateful if nyone could give me some feedbck on wht to add and how i can get a 6 for this response.
MY fu ckin teacher is so picky i cnt with her feedback


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2022
Napping probably
Hi can anyone help me with my ethics (bioethics) response for chrstianity and mark it? It is out of 6
Explain ethical teaching in christinity
Ethics procide a guide for chrisitians so that their daily living reflects scriptural principles of faith. They belive that human are created in the image of god and their lives should be chersished s genesis 1:27 states " in the image of god he created them" . This refers to the ethical teaching of sanctity of human life, in regards to abortion nd Euthanasia.n This iisue of abortion is opposed in most denominations. For eg Catholics believe that it a human life shoudl not be terminated in any circumstance. although uniting church belive that if mothers life is in danger or the feotus is suffering one can undergo the procedure. The taking of humn life should not be taken into own hands as god states in duetoronomy "I kill and i make alive" if adherents take desicsioon into own hnads they violate the divine soverieghnty. This is lso in regards to the ethicl issue of euthanasia as it violates the princople pf double effect : do no evil" as no good will come out of this act. Focus on gods will will help christina adherents mirror Jesus's actions and principles while focus on ethical teachings.

Pls help i dont even know wtf im doing I would be really grateful if nyone could give me some feedbck on wht to add and how i can get a 6 for this response.
MY fu ckin teacher is so picky i cnt with her feedback
Your spelling is horrible hahahaha

Key point: you need to be more explicit since they're asking you to explain ethical teachings. Since its out of 6 I would go IN ONE PARA:
Start with an intro sentence similar to that which you have
explain the sanctity of human life, link to organ donation
explain the primacy of love (KEY), link to euthanasia
explain "do not kill", link to abortion

(you don't have to do 1 teaching and 1 issue like you can do all 3 teachings in relation to abortion or something but this is a good general rule)

Utilise quotes like the ones you have to show it, eg the key ethical teaching of the sanctity of human life refers to ______, as demonstrated in Genesis 1:27 which states that "In the image of God he created them." or something because quotes are crucial

Don't refer to Christians as "they", call them christian adherents or christians. You need to make sure you're explaining denominational opinions in light of the ethical teaching. Eg:
You said:
For eg Catholics believe that it a human life shoudl not be terminated in any circumstance. although uniting church belive that if mothers life is in danger or the feotus is suffering one can undergo the procedur
I would say:
Thus, due to the Catholic interpretation of God's ethical teaching of "Do not kill", Catholic adherents believe that human life should not be terminated in any circumstance. However, due to the denominational differences within Christianity, the interpretations of God's teachings differentiate too. For example, in the Anglican church, adherents believe that if the mothers life is threatened or the foetus is suffering, abortion is permitted under the teaching of the "primacy of love" This teaching refers to...

See how they blend in??
Try and be more concise than i just was and include scripture or a quote from the pope or sth but im hoping you can see what im getting at

your response was pretty good you just need to be more clear cause it was a tad hard to follow
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2022
Napping probably
wait whats the difference between sor 1 and sor 2?
SOR II you do a longer exam because you study another religion (3 total); more MC, another set of short answers, another 5 marker. The syllabus is longer too because you do religion and peace and stuff as well.

SOR I is just 2 religions and post-1945


Active Member
Jun 26, 2021
Hi can anyone help me with my ethics (bioethics) response for chrstianity and mark it? It is out of 6
Explain ethical teaching in christinity
Ethics procide a guide for chrisitians so that their daily living reflects scriptural principles of faith. They belive that human are created in the image of god and their lives should be chersished s genesis 1:27 states " in the image of god he created them" . This refers to the ethical teaching of sanctity of human life, in regards to abortion nd Euthanasia.n This iisue of abortion is opposed in most denominations. For eg Catholics believe that it a human life shoudl not be terminated in any circumstance. although uniting church belive that if mothers life is in danger or the feotus is suffering one can undergo the procedure. The taking of humn life should not be taken into own hands as god states in duetoronomy "I kill and i make alive" if adherents take desicsioon into own hnads they violate the divine soverieghnty. This is lso in regards to the ethicl issue of euthanasia as it violates the princople pf double effect : do no evil" as no good will come out of this act. Focus on gods will will help christina adherents mirror Jesus's actions and principles while focus on ethical teachings.

Pls help i dont even know wtf im doing I would be really grateful if nyone could give me some feedbck on wht to add and how i can get a 6 for this response.
MY fu ckin teacher is so picky i cnt with her feedback
Agree 100% with @band6yesplease ’s feedback. You need to be more explicit with your response and be able to link it back to core beliefs and core ethical teachings cohesively. My teacher is a HSC marker and she said that ethical teachings for Christianity especially are important - a lot of HSC markers come from Catholic schools/Christian backgrounds so you’re less likely to get away with BS


Active Member
Sep 27, 2023
Your spelling is horrible hahahaha

Key point: you need to be more explicit since they're asking you to explain ethical teachings. Since its out of 6 I would go IN ONE PARA:
Start with an intro sentence similar to that which you have
explain the sanctity of human life, link to organ donation
explain the primacy of love (KEY), link to euthanasia
explain "do not kill", link to abortion

(you don't have to do 1 teaching and 1 issue like you can do all 3 teachings in relation to abortion or something but this is a good general rule)

Utilise quotes like the ones you have to show it, eg the key ethical teaching of the sanctity of human life refers to ______, as demonstrated in Genesis 1:27 which states that "In the image of God he created them." or something because quotes are crucial

Don't refer to Christians as "they", call them christian adherents or christians. You need to make sure you're explaining denominational opinions in light of the ethical teaching. Eg:
You said:
For eg Catholics believe that it a human life shoudl not be terminated in any circumstance. although uniting church belive that if mothers life is in danger or the feotus is suffering one can undergo the procedur
I would say:
Thus, due to the Catholic interpretation of God's ethical teaching of "Do not kill", Catholic adherents believe that human life should not be terminated in any circumstance. However, due to the denominational differences within Christianity, the interpretations of God's teachings differentiate too. For example, in the Anglican church, adherents believe that if the mothers life is threatened or the foetus is suffering, abortion is permitted under the teaching of the "primacy of love" This teaching refers to...

See how they blend in??
Try and be more concise than i just was and include scripture or a quote from the pope or sth but im hoping you can see what im getting at

your response was pretty good you just need to be more clear cause it was a tad hard to follow
Yes okay thank you this helped alot

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