St George Girls High School (SGGHS) (1 Viewer)


New Member
Jul 15, 2024

im going to try apply for sgghs this yr; i tried last yr for yr 10 but failed (it depended on my hast i achieved the bottom middle 50% while my reports in yr 8 sem 2 was only 1 B with all A and sem 1 yr 9 were only 2 B’s - at that skl (i moved into a selective for a partially selective skl this yr for yr 10) we didnt have rankings nor a achievement and/or badge system, maybe that alongside the hast affected their desicion?)

anyways, does anyone who currently attends sgghs give me an insight into the skl? Like student support, teacher support, the environment, and also if any got into from the hast system what supporting documents did u provide to get in?

also my current school (partially selective) didnt even make it to top 300 so i need to move (tho my old skl was bottom 5 skl in the state I KID U NOT IM LITERALLY NOT EXAGGERATING and my current skl was kind of a ‘gateway’) and i’ve been declining in my reports (i havent received them yet but i can assume) i got 3 A’s and 4 B’s would that affect my entry? I mean can they consider me moving skls into a selective stream where competition in that class is a challenge and wont just see me ‘declining’?

plz sgghs is literally my dream skl i rlly rlly rlly want to get in!!!

thank you in advance

Average Boreduser

Rising Renewal
Jun 28, 2022

im going to try apply for sgghs this yr; i tried last yr for yr 10 but failed (it depended on my hast i achieved the bottom middle 50% while my reports in yr 8 sem 2 was only 1 B with all A and sem 1 yr 9 were only 2 B’s - at that skl (i moved into a selective for a partially selective skl this yr for yr 10) we didnt have rankings nor a achievement and/or badge system, maybe that alongside the hast affected their desicion?)

anyways, does anyone who currently attends sgghs give me an insight into the skl? Like student support, teacher support, the environment, and also if any got into from the hast system what supporting documents did u provide to get in?

also my current school (partially selective) didnt even make it to top 300 so i need to move (tho my old skl was bottom 5 skl in the state I KID U NOT IM LITERALLY NOT EXAGGERATING and my current skl was kind of a ‘gateway’) and i’ve been declining in my reports (i havent received them yet but i can assume) i got 3 A’s and 4 B’s would that affect my entry? I mean can they consider me moving skls into a selective stream where competition in that class is a challenge and wont just see me ‘declining’?

plz sgghs is literally my dream skl i rlly rlly rlly want to get in!!!

thank you in advance
If your school is stingy with the absense of 1 A, I'd say it's unlikely they would take 3 . Although I think you should still take it because it is Ig your dream school maybe see if there any chance that they've reduced prereqs. But honestly, there's so many other schools. PLC is like 11kms from there and they give out hella scholarships. Note as well they have really nice facilities (and a rlly strong titration comp cocurricular might I add) and they definately won't be as stingy in terms of reports. They also have accelerated programs for math, and I believe bs and a science not 100% sure what the others r. (also ranks insanely better)
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2023

im going to try apply for sgghs this yr; i tried last yr for yr 10 but failed (it depended on my hast i achieved the bottom middle 50% while my reports in yr 8 sem 2 was only 1 B with all A and sem 1 yr 9 were only 2 B’s - at that skl (i moved into a selective for a partially selective skl this yr for yr 10) we didnt have rankings nor a achievement and/or badge system, maybe that alongside the hast affected their desicion?)

anyways, does anyone who currently attends sgghs give me an insight into the skl? Like student support, teacher support, the environment, and also if any got into from the hast system what supporting documents did u provide to get in?

also my current school (partially selective) didnt even make it to top 300 so i need to move (tho my old skl was bottom 5 skl in the state I KID U NOT IM LITERALLY NOT EXAGGERATING and my current skl was kind of a ‘gateway’) and i’ve been declining in my reports (i havent received them yet but i can assume) i got 3 A’s and 4 B’s would that affect my entry? I mean can they consider me moving skls into a selective stream where competition in that class is a challenge and wont just see me ‘declining’?

plz sgghs is literally my dream skl i rlly rlly rlly want to get in!!!

thank you in advance
hi :)) i go to sgghs, currently in year 12! i can't comment about entry into the school since i have no experience w hast/application process (i've been at sgghs since year 7)

i sweaaar i've posted something about sgghs before (@carrotsss i can't seem to find the thread you @'d me in?) o_O

student support is pretty average: school counsellors are definitely not my favourite, there's a student support officer and she's incredibly nice and supportive, when you get to senior years they have study tip days, motivational speakers and whatever come to our school, personal best interviews (basically teachers/principal talk to you about how you're doing at school, giving you guidance)

teacher support really depends on the faculty, but majority of them are willing to help and support you. generally, emails always open to send essays/questions you need help w, and if you're going through tough times, they're defo willing to lighten the workload for you + give you support, you can also reach out to some teachers to help you in person with things you need more work on before school, during break times, after school. also, when you reach senior years, some subjects hold study days during the holidays where they revise syllabus content (aka. like prep for trials lol)

environment is average, @Hipeople (also a sgghs transfer) can comment on this because i have no frame of reference since i've been at this school for my entire high school life. but for me, i've witnessed a lot of gossiping (expected), but if you hang around the right group you're drama free lol

i will say the downsides are the facilities + science faculty - bathrooms are notably horrribleeee, science faculty is very hit or miss w teachers and some are just not willing to put in the effort to teach properly and will speed through some content expecting that you're going to tutoring. also, most of the considered 'good' teachers that were here when the school's rank was better have left

personal note: haha tbh it's quite surprising to see this side; i never really hear about people wanting to go to my school lol esp since the school's ranking is severely declining, why do you think it's a dream school?

also, if you're wondering about the clubs and all, i think we have a pretty good environment society or whatever comprised of gardening club, paper recycling club and worm farm, and there's also like astronomy club, fish club, anime/manga club

also, referencing @Average Boreduser , sgghs at the current moment does not offer any accelerated subjects unlike PLC, and i would also suggest branching out from sgghs as there are many other schools that might be more suited (esp considering sgghs very declining rank)


New Member
Jul 15, 2024
@he1nl OMG THANK U FOR REPLYING LOL (i rlly hope i dont sound pathetic - i prob sound desperate but hopefully not pathetic)

tbh idr when i started this obsession with sgghs 😭 i think maybe cus i moved to australia roughly 3 yrs (in august 4 yrs) ago and i had no idea what selective is (ive attended a private and very prestigious skl in my home country n we didnt have selective bc we dont have ‘weak’ public skls and rankings n all that dont exist) and when i knew abt selective sgghs was the first skl to come up and i basically stalked the website n got attached (attachment issues 🥰)

i dont go tutoring (never had actually) and decided to apply to sgghs last yr for yr 10 (in yr 7 i didnt know abt selective, yr 8 i heard abt it, yr 9 decided to apply) but FAILED so bad but i also applied to a partially selective (p.s for short) and got in; now u see my old skl was soooooooooo bad like HORRIBLE bad it was one of the lowest 5 skls in the state n atm i didnt care where i move as long as i do, but the p.s i got into is also 400 something (still better than my old skl)…. anyways (yapper core) despite sgghs declining i feel like my chances of getting there is ‘better’ than other skls (im going to apply sgghs, parra, sefton - hopefully i get into one)

for the PLC (guessing pymble ladies college or presbyterian ladies college) i cant rlly apply to ‘religious’ skls since it goes against my moral and ethical values (im of a different religion)


and for gardening club, im currently in a gardening club at my skl and at my old skl i used to study agriculture as a yr 9 elective (i loved agriculture fr) so that would be AWESOME

anyways for accelerated courses my current skl offers xmath (but from yr 7 only for selective students - i wasnt there in yr 7) and xchem from yr 9 for (assuming) selective and enrichment only (i wasnt there at yr 9 either) so i wont be ‘missing’ anything

anyways the toilet part is SOOOO UNDERSTANDABLE my current skl has DISGUSTING toilets but my old skl renovated them and they look so good but whateves (pretending to not care 😭)

im going to be studying n practising for the hast (tho i dont have any resources but hopefully ok) n i WILL come over (motivated fr) if i dont get in ill just cry 🥰

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