why dont you help him little boy?@wizzkids stop stalking and help this fella out
same can be said to youwhy dont you help him little boy?
expand heron's formula in terms of a,b, and c simplifying it to involve sums like ab+bc+ca and a2+b2+c2 then apply the inequalities bound to A2 and take the root to bound A
good boy but remember to write s-a in terms of -a+b+c/2 and repeat consequently for s-b and s-c then equate to what u said aboveexpand heron's formula in terms of a,b, and c simplifying it to involve sums like ab+bc+ca and a2+b2+c2 then apply the inequalities bound to A2 and take the root to bound A
Please address me with more respect year 11 peasant.good boy but remember to write s-a in terms of -a+b+c/2 and repeat consequently for s-b and s-c then equate to what u said above
I will never address a dirt bag low life with any respect. Just to be stepped onPlease address me with more respect year 11 peasant.