Yo. Lol I've been getting too much work in too little time. Ever since we got a new bio teacher (who happens to be my favourite teacher who left about a year or so ago, and I thought she would never come back), we actually got bio homework.
Physics - we're suddenly going relatively really fast - we're onto projectile motion already! (My school is doing Space as our 2nd topic). Although I got quite pissed off at the "new" version of the motion formulas with all the Ux and Uy etc, too used to the old ones lol.
Maths - We hardly ever use our textbooks in 4U, it's all lecture lol. For 2/3U we're getting exercises thrown at us every lesson everyday. Had double maths twice this week, I just want to kill maths now.

Chem - Slowwwly. We've had three lessons so far, and our teacher was away for two of them xD. Today we boiled cabbage and made pretty colours. ^_^
English - 100% lecture.
How about you?