Recent content by aequrico

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    English tutor: Advanced 97, E1 48, E2 47, MED/ARTS with HD average in English Major

    Re: English tutor: Advanced 97, E1 48, E2 47, MED/ARTS with HD average in English Maj bump
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    English tutor: Advanced 97, E1 48, E2 47, MED/ARTS with HD average in English Major

    Re: English tutor: Advanced 97, E1 48, E2 47, MED/ARTS with HD average in English Maj bump
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    English tutor: Advanced 97, E1 48, E2 47, MED/ARTS with HD average in English Major

    Hi everyone, I'm offering English tutoring. I will be offering comprehensive tutoring services via email and skype. These services can be tailored to suit individual needs according to a few options that I have already worked with. Please contact me to ask me for specific details about this...
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    A Question of Christian Theology

    i cant, i dont know specifically know if individuals will "benefit from their belief". Thats why i question. Only god can see our hearts and judge us. on the other hand the bible specifically says that the only way to God is through Jesus, not fear of hell. but then, who are you to judge...
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    A Question of Christian Theology

    its okay, i didnt take too much offense :(, heres my second attempt. i hope you do ask someone else but yes some christians do only believe because they want to benefit out of that belief, i.e get to heaven and not to hell. if they believe that, yes it is a selfish belief, its about what...
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    A Question of Christian Theology

    hey tommykins, are christians only believing because of the fear of hell? NO!! emphatically i have to say it like that, we dont, at least that is not the primary reason, part 1: it is a reality, that hell is a scary place, but a good analogy of hell is addiction, people want to be there...
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    A Question of Christian Theology

    hey cookie, "why should i need to live forever?" one reason i mentioned before is justice. i believe in moral crimes, i believe that i have committed many moral crimes, i also believe in justice. i think its safe to say that the above 3 points are fairly universal, though not...
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    A Question of Christian Theology

    random_dude "once again, i would like to understand how if a copmplex being of the highest magnitude chose us to have his image, would we not be formless? why did god create us just to judge us? sounds a little bit sadistic if you ask me. and is god a he? if he truly is a complex being...
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    A Question of Christian Theology

    ill try go one at a time --- teclis, come back here! haha, this thing is giant. (imo i reckon koukl isnt that bad, and at least he is alot better than me, but thats cool, hes not the real issue here), anyway i get what your saying about omnipotence too, that helps i think. ---...
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    A Question of Christian Theology

    so, there are a lot of different questions, but before i try answer some questions just to clarify, im not from the church of latter day saints, who are mormon i dont really necessarily agree with stuff sariah says, so.. just to make sure thats clear, our answers are not continuous. dont...
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    A Question of Christian Theology

    If we assume that God exists and that believers are now condemned to Hell whilst non-believers are sentenced to Heaven, would people still believe? They can say this 'hypothetical' makes no sense, but if we roll with their definition of 'God' we can simply say "It's the way God works, he isn't...
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    A Question of Christian Theology

    i guess first of all, it isnt written in the bible, so... second of all, when people say "its the way god works, he isnt bounded by logic" its not a very good reply tbh, not to all questions, so you may be taking the statement as a generalisation and misapplying it. i guess as always, it...
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    A Question of Christian Theology

    the other question i might ask is.. do you believe that people who commit moral crimes should be punished? i do. have you ever committed any moral crimes? i have. thats bad news. if i can believe in justice, and that i require some form of justice to be met out onto me. how much bigger or...
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    A Question of Christian Theology

    hey cookie, just wondering. why don't you think you have to have an afterlife? why don't you think there IS an afterlife? in response to your question, "why do i have to have an after life?" im sorta gonna go out on a limb the question beneath the question something along the...