Do you think that getting a tutor would be enough to bridge my (already pretty wide) gap in knowledge in time for HSC? I really do want to do adv but I'm not really a risk-taker and my math teacher is seriously against me doing it. The thing that's holding me back the most is likely how...
I'm rethinking my choice of doing advanced math instead of standard for HSC. Currently, I'm at my class's average in 5.2 maths (which isn't really that good I won't lie) and I know that realistically I won't be able to achieve my atar goal if I continue on this path + will waste a lot of time I...
Since you've done 3 sciences in year 11, would you mind placing them in a list from the most you liked to the least? Still have until tomorrow to finalise the selection and I've chosen 3 sciences which I'm realising probably wasn't the smartest decision haha
Thank you!
You hit the bull's eye, I'd say math is probably my weakest subject atm haha
and yeah I think that's what I'm gonna do, If I do 14 units for the first few weeks it shouldn't stress me out too much so I should be able to handle it.
Thank you for the advice!! :)
Do you think I should try doing 14 units for the first couple of weeks and then drop the one I like the least? Or should I do 12 units with the ones that require preliminary knowledge for year 12 and if I need to, change it then?
Science has been one of the only subjects to truly pique my interest hence why I want to do something in the scientific field (maybe even med if I'm smart enough) I've tried the arts before (visual, drama, even music at one point) but I never really got engaged in it and I've found I'm not...
Have you done or are currently doing Physics/Chem/Bio for hsc?
Do you regret it? Did you enjoy it? What was it like? How did you handle the workload? Was it worth it and was it difficult?
Tomorrow is the last day before subject selection and I'm still unsure about exactly which science...
so I've decided recently to work on my math more and I thought I was improving but a recent topic test proved me wrong. While I can answer the questions within the textbook, I wasn't able to do so on my test. The questions seemed more confusing and I ended up getting completely lost.
Oh I should've put it in but it just comes from y=mx+b
also wow that method looks so much better I'll make sure to learn it thank you!!
And you're right, I'll probably learn the other method as well since in the future it's probably going to be the easier option once the equations start...
So I'm doing linear equations at school and we have this question
"Find the equation of the line that is parallel to y=5-x/2 and passes through (-1,6)"
I found my answer using a different method and I'm not sure that if I were to use it in an exam, I would get full marks
So the method I used...
We have the same issue with the focus thing and how we just have to stay in the 'zone' lol. Thank you so much for the advice!!! I think I'm going to use a lot of these :) you're literally a life saver