Recent content by amisha_amisha

  1. amisha_amisha

    Guitar hero Joe Satriani sues Coldplay for plagiarism

    So there's like one chord progression which is SIMILAR. I don't believe Coldplay vindictively and deliberately said one day, "Oh lets go steal a guitar riff from Satriani!" As if. It was obviously negligence. I mean, when Coldplay used bits from Kraftwerk's Computer Love in thier song, Talk...
  2. amisha_amisha

    Anyone thinks they have killed the test

    I can't even remember how many pages I used! I just wrote whatever came to my head and moved on! But it's QUALITY not quantity - that that has worked for me. Um, so for section 3 - how many quotes did people memorise/use? I memorised 20 quotes (excluding my related text) but I don't think...
  3. amisha_amisha

    Imaginative Journey: Unexpected Destinations

    The question was pretty flexible... I think as long you had the concepts with you you should be alright. Anyone do On Giant's Shoulder's? It's the worst text - I mean who wants to journey into the realms of SCIENCE! Stupid non-fiction text... I totally rushed my related text though! And I...
  4. amisha_amisha

    Section 1 text 3

    You guys! Think positively! Reading everyone's interpreations - they are all pretty similar (mine included) so that should give us hope that we approached the question in the right way! LOOK WE ALL GOT 100% FOR THIS QUESTION!! POSITIVE THINKING PEOPLE!!
  5. amisha_amisha

    Section 1 text 3

    You guys! Think positively! Reading everyone's interpreations - they are all pretty similar (mine included) so that should give us hope that we approached the question in the right way! LOOK WE ALL GOT 100% FOR THIS QUESTION!! POSITIVE THINKING PEOPLE!!
  6. amisha_amisha

    Imaginative Journey: Unexpected Destinations

    That's not a very nice thing to say - people have different strengths and weaknesses... one might have found the short answer difficult, while another breezes through it. You shouldn't make those sort of comments - it is rude. I'm sure you aren't ace at EVERY SINGLE THING you do! As for me...
  7. amisha_amisha

    Is your best subject your favourite also?

    Re: Is your best subject also your favourite? Yes. My favourite subject is MODERN HISTORY! HAHAHA!
  8. amisha_amisha

    What was the last CD you bought?

    DEATH CAB FOR CUITE<3!!!!!!!! I bought erm... "The Photo Album" by them - good shit.
  9. amisha_amisha

    Music you HATE

    Rap, RnB, Hip Hop whatever anything that falls into that genre its so sick what they sing about it makes me wanna puke. Also, I HATE MCR - ARGHH they are soo not rock - they are POP!!
  10. amisha_amisha

    Need advice. Should I drop ext 1 math?

    Drop Extension 1 Maths - it's just going to drag down not only your UAI, but you're going to be dragging down your class and your school. If you fail your Extension Math course it may be disastrous to your UAI - if you also fail your other subjects. You have to be consistent in all your courses...
  11. amisha_amisha

    Chill out people - the HSC isn't that hard

    So you failed Math and you got over 80? You must've done extremely well in your other subjects then.... Am I right, or am I right? =)
  12. amisha_amisha

    teahcer can't teach!

    "teacher can't teach" Ha! It took you 13 years to figure that out? You must be aiming for UAI 50.65 eh?
  13. amisha_amisha

    About you

    Well it won't benefit any of you to know anything about me - lets leave websites such as MySpace for things like that. Just one thing - never EVER EVER pick History Extension - it is the BIGGEST killer of time - well at my school anyway... And duh... I think EVERYONE wants to get over 90...
  14. amisha_amisha

    Muck Up Photos

    LOL we have themes at our school every year... a good year was when they did the 80's - that was cool. I think my grade is doing like a James Bond-esque kinda theme - sounds rather lame, I know...
  15. amisha_amisha

    What's on your Year 12 Jersey?

    We weren't allowed to have a nickname at the back of our Jerseys but they are so ugly anyway no one minds. I put: [insert word here] Maybe it wasn't the best choice... meh these jerseys are so over hyped.