Recent content by Ashutosh

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    Private/Group Tutoring for Prelim and HSC subjects in Campbelltown to Liverpool Area!

    Hey Everyone, Do you want to stay miles ahead of your class and achieve the best possible marks and ranks?? Do you want to secure that Band 6 in your HSC Exams?? Are you looking for a fun and friendly environment, with highly efficient tutors to support you all the way through?? Look no...
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    2 Unit Past Papers

    go to this website: Year 12 they've got past papers for every subject with answers to most of them good luck :)
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    Welcome & Roll Call - Class of 2010

    hey everyone, goodluck this year!!
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    Hey, Thanks for your reply. I've already been given the books by my friend so i won't be buying...

    Hey, Thanks for your reply. I've already been given the books by my friend so i won't be buying them. Sorry. Thanks for your reply.
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    Ecuminism, Interfaith D and sooo onnn

    hey thanks a lot for posting this stuff up...its a bit hard to find elsewhere....but it is really helping me with my assessment yeh thanks heaps!!!:D
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    hi again, I would like your notes on all the core topics for much would that...

    hi again, I would like your notes on all the core topics for much would that cost me? Thanks.
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    hi, im interested in your physics notes. have you got notes for all topics or just quanta and...

    hi, im interested in your physics notes. have you got notes for all topics or just quanta and quarks?? Thanks.
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    How do these subjects scale???

    Hi all, I'm doing these subjects and just wanted a rough idea on how well they scale: - Ext. 1 Maths - Engineering Studies - Advanced English - Physics - Studies of Religion I - Chemistry Thanks.
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    MaMA jOKEZ!!!!

    Your momma is so fat, she went to KFC and ordered a Variety Bucket.....the lady at the counter said "which size" and your momma said "the one on the roof":haha: Ashutosh
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    USYD Degree in a Day

    Hi all, Just wondering who is going to be attending this course and what sessions you will be attending. I'll be doing the Mechanical Engineering and Physics of the Stars
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    yeh i think i'm getting the jist of it. thanks for all the info guys, much appreciated.
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    I dont know what world you're in but i never indicated that prelim. engineering teaches everything about enineering. also, i got advice from my dad about whether i should go into the engineering field or not. I just asked a simple question about which university i should do it at. ALSO, i...
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    what do you mean by pure mechatronics?? btw, thanks a lot for the information. At least there are some poeple who can actually give useful information around here. Thanks. Also, if you dont mind me asking, what was your UAI?? Thanks, ashutosh
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    I'm undertaking Engineering as a subject for prelim. and HSC so i know exactly what it involves. Also, my father is a qualified aerospace engineer so i think i would have a firm and informed opinion about engineering.
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    there are many people out there who disagree with your opinion about engineering including me. If you have some valuable info. it would be appreciated. ashutosh