ditto that... I couldn't get past 10:30PM...start procrastinating after my 10:30pm coffee
I guess it depends on your study method... I mean physics was a breeze... i manage to get a solid 5-6 hour study on it...14 hours is pushing it. I reckon...
Guessing from these years exams this test will be nay impossible to predict:
English was like WTF
math 2u... They palced a 3U question in SHM into it
Math 3U... WTF was up with the bionomial question
Chemistry... Unknown until 2morrow..
looking upon the past exam papers and the tests that i...
hmmm yea i hav always wondered what would happen with that... i reckon different marking ethics.
anyway I reckon the second text will be disregarded
yes i am an idiot for writing about 2 text... but my second one was shit. so not really complaining..
its over and done with... who gives a...
Actually the speed of light is constant is all frames of reference and as Einstein theorized, nothing is faster that the speed of light. The Michelson and Morly experiment showed that the speed of light is constant, assuming that light actually needs a medium to propagate through.
This is from...
hmmmm that wash is first, i think, experiment. This is where he passed cathode rays through a magnetic field and he found that it was deflecting towards the positive plate, so JJ Thompson said cathode rays were negatively charges...
I think that is it... but you have to go a bit more in depth...
Yea there is a dotpoint about the oxidation number/states of compounds
account for changes in the oxidation state of species in terms of their loss or gain of electrons
xP they are trying to sneak in alot of new stuff into the syllabus
For the Half-life, I think you have to just...
For every person who has said this... Buddhism is technically not a religion.... it is a way of living your life to achieve enlightenment... Siddhattha Gotama or "Buddha" founded this.
Well Going on to GOD!!!!
Speaking hypothetically, if there is a god then don’t you reckon that in order for...
I usually just have a light breakfast... glass of milk and an apple
Lunch-I stuff myself
Dinner- dunno
anyway b4 i study i do about 10-30 minutes exercise to get the heart pumping... i personally do not like eating light just before studying... makes me sleepy (dunno y)
Hey guys... just wanted others to read it and get some feed back....
cheers, Bboy Two Fousand
The sky was dark as rain descended from the heavens to water its precious life. The shadows of lighting flashed in defiance across the world of men. It was such a day that a holy man might...