Recent content by beaks

  1. beaks

    When Will You Move Out?

    I figure a few months into having a full-time job. That way I'll already have some routine, and a little bit of money to buy things like a couch and some sweet lava lamps when I start renting a dodgy flat or similar.
  2. beaks

    does anyone do consturction or metals and engineering

    Bit late to reply, but I only just found this site. The drawings weren't missing anything man. They went down a treat. I found it easier to skip them, do all the other stuff, and then spend my time making them perfect. But I doubt anyone will read this.
  3. beaks

    What do you train for?

    I train for downhill mountain biking. Just starting to get more and more serious with it, just as I'm approaching yr 12, which should make things interesting. I try and get out for a run 3 times a week, a road ride up the local mountain (mt dandenong for all you vic people), and pretend like...