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  • hahahah yeah i thought of her too, thats why i said "actually..." =P
    out of all things in the world i could get the crown for it had to be....this!! hahahaha.

    my day will come where im not so unfortunate....hopefully!! LOL.
    HAHAHAHAH yesss i know which parts.
    man i think i take out the title for most unfortunate girl LOL. actually....yeah maybe i dont take it out but im really high up there lol.
    I got premium within a day that i paid.

    But i believe the site admin has been recently busy and only he/she can change membership status. If you don't get it within a week, i suggest that you pm WithoutWings or another moderator :)
    jezza! i downloaded higher this afternoon :D :D inspired by the creative arts night of course haha!
    thanks for being the only guy that actually gets me LOL and listening to me these past few weeks....well actually like all year haha! ;) i owe you!
    im askin him to CHAAAAANGE HIS WAYS
    and no msg, coulda been anyyyy clearer
    if you wanna make the world a betterrr place
    take a look at urselfff and make that......


    cant wait til saturday lol
    first day off work for a reason other than exams in a loooooooooooooooooooong time
    jeremy is gay
    jeremy is gay
    jeremy is gay
    jeremy is gay
    jeremy is gay
    jeremy is gay
    jeremy is gay
    jeremy is gay
    jeremy is gay
    jeremy is gay
    heyyy i thought of someone else you can add as a friend :p
    katee :) her username thingy is vellak lol.
    ohhhh & i thought up something the other night whilst talking to steff about a certain 'someone' ill have to tell you about it lol

    i think u shud make some posts so im not the only BPC person whose posting

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