Mate, you are well and truly up shit creek without a paddle. You haven't a hope in hell.
Just kidding. Stop being a whiny bastard and work on your self esteem. Who cares if you don't get your desired UAI? Just transfer by getting HDs at uni in some course vaguely related to what you actually...
The HSC measures one's ability to sell one's soul, to devote thousands of hours of free time to learning a whole heap of bullshit that you do not want to learn. It's about having knowledge rammed down your gullet with the threat that if you do not do well, you will end up as a...
Dear friends,
I don't really understand why some of you typed things like "this thread is retarded. Kill it dead. twice". Are you against free thought? There are hundreds of utterly banal, mind-numbingly boring and totally stupid threads on this godforsaken site. If I do say so myself, I...
Yo, Dim Won, what is up?
Why did you quote the entire post when what you typed had nothing whatsoever to do with what I posted?
How could you possibly know what every single one of the JRAHS students study? Are you the principal? Anyway, is that really relevant to this forum?
Ah, how typical of a bigot. You singled out the one and only spelling error in my wonderfully crafted spiel. This just shows that my point of view is so logical and well expressed that you draw a blank when it comes time to disagree with me or agree with me. This highlights your lack of...
Well, I can't say I can be bothered reading all the responses. I read the first page and got bored. Now, I suppose I will have to concede and agree that we must tolerate anti-intellectualism in this country. It's the Australian way to dislike anybody smarter than us yet doesn't dumb themselves...
My teachers don't so much teach the course as yammer on for 55 minutes of my valuable time, so that I have to go home and teach myself the whole damn course in my own time. they are underqualified and don't often teach me things I don't know. Not that I'm saying that I'm some genius... merely...
Comrades, in case you don't know what I mean, a soft subject is one that is very easy compared to other, 'hard subjects'. (e.g. any extension course, sciences excluding biology, etc...)
People choose them, despite their woeful scaling, thinking they can ace them so it doesn't matter. But it...
Re: How To: Destroy a years worth of work in 5 easy steps
Are you trying to be funny? Because you're totally UNFUNNY. Don't you realise that the HSC is the be-all and end-all of our lives? Jesus, can't you recognise that it means more than anything else in the world?
MAn o man... some...
amen 2008rosse. there are so many damn whiny forum threads on this website. Australia is a bloody lazy country, in general. y'all should just study and stop spending time on these stupid forums.
sure, the site itself is good for fishing around for other people's notes (which are mostly crappy...