Umm we don't mean first two as in first two questions of the exam.
It's just the first two questions that get MARKED. This could be Q27 and 28 for all we know. Just depends which of your questions is marked first.
Your rank will determine 50% of your overall mark in the HSC. Your internal assessment mark is factored by your rank.
And yes, ranks can change after each assessment in year 12. It just depends on how much you were behind/infront, how much you got (scaled) etc.
Question 20 is not asking about static/dynamic IPs. It's simply asking whether the IP is assigned manually or automatically. Basically, refer to the TCP/IP box. If it was automatically assigned, "Obtain IP address from server" would have been ticked.
"Use the following IP address" means that...
lol man. what did you do in your trial?
im surprised you could even answer all four, considering you wouldve only learnt two of the option topics at school.
theyll take your best two
You get interviewed individually.
The BIT page on the UTS site states that a UAI of around 90 is required. However, word has it that the UAI requirements may be as low as 85 depending on how well your interview goes.