Well i'm not entirely sure how I'm meant to Major with my degree (B Comp Sci Maj Distributed Systems) but I think all I have to do is complete 2 extra elective subjects (CSCI213 - Java Programming and the Internet (done), CSCI214 - Distributed Systems (doing now)). I could have not bothered, but...
Wow, haven't come back to this site since the HSC in 2003...just remembered about it.
Anyway, one of my subjects goes over summer session...which isn't too bad, just 10 weeks to work on my 3D Modelling and Animation project, so not really much work needed.
So many assignments to do...
I'm aiming to get band 6, and if I don't i would think i'd get band 5. SDD is my best subject, and if it wasn't for the trial (Stupid catholic paper) I would have topped the school. I got 100% for all but one assignment. and the half yearly i got 90% i think. I hope i go well...software is the...
Ahh k, yeh but i'm sure my teacher said something has been taken out of the course...photoelectric effect maybe?
Btw i agree with ure sig, 2U was bs, 3unit test was easier ffs :/
once u get to this point:
x(x+5) <= 0
draw a little graph of this parabola (intercepts 0 and -5)
then look at the graph, and see where the graph is <= 0, and whoala u get the answer...
Oh wait, is that 5/(x+2) or 5/x + 2?
If its the first one forget wot i posted ;)
yeh if i get 70% ill be happy, but, the 2unit paper yesterday was apparently the hardest it has ever been, that doesn't sound good in terms of what tomorrows test is going to be like :(