Recent content by bonniekaterose

  1. B

    Is It Possible To Achieve High Band 6 In It Vet?

    I'm doing my HSC this year, You wouldn't have any notes for IT VET? Its like a year away, but we have had about 7 teachers for year 11, and have learnt NOTHING. no joke. And im like stressing as i only have 10 units, so i really need to do well in all subjects, and this is a VET course, so i...
  2. B

    Irp - youth - survey - help!

    Hey :) Im have a little trouble with my IRP surveys. Not to sure on the depth and detail in which we need. Any suggestions for questions for my question ? it is: "Does the media reinforces the idea that teenage girls should be more concerned with their looks, size and being accepted by...
  3. B

    The Arrival, Freedom Writers & My Place HELP!

    Does anyone have any notes or similar on any of these three texts : The Arrival by Shaun Tan Freedom Writers ( film ) My place - Sally Morgan I have an assessment on this, in regards to belonging etc, im more concenred with The Arrival, as i no longer have the book, and library hasnt go any...
  4. B

    I.R.P. Home

    Can I ask, Is all we need to do after we have handed in our plan, is pretty much do like surveys, interviews, observation etc, and then put that into a report? our assessment task sheet is so bad! its just the criteria, no like steps in which we need to follow or complete! HELPP.
  5. B

    Cultural Belonging Texts

    I need to have 3 texts which come from the categories of - film - novel/short story/biography - multimedia/visual text - magazine/ newspaper article which relate to my prescribed text of Skrzynecki, and i thought id keep to the theme of cultural belonging/not belonging. Any good ideas on...