thnk seems alrite but dunno if it offers casual job and also unsure abt payrate
however anychance u kno any casual jobs where u do prpduct reviews (for like food, products, games..)?
or casual jobs at shopping centres where u promote stuff?
any1 here know any reputable companies or stores which offer casual jobs in product reviewing (ie. sampling products) or advertising/promoting?
reply here or pm me
so it seems investment bankers get paid big bucks..
but is it easy to become an investment banker and get the job?
can u do investment banking with a bachelor of commerce (major in finance/accounting)??
hey guys im lookin for a new computer for my friend's bday
the specs are like somethin like this:
2gb memory
160 gb hard drive
intel duo core 2.4 ghz
gefore 512 mb graphics card
19 or 22 inch widescreen lcd monitor
speaker system and gud sound card
usb ports about 4-6
keyboard/mouse (no neeed...
does any1 know any jobs/careers that have really high pay other than careers in medicine,dentistry,optom..???
any careers that get really high pay even as soon as u finish studyin at uni?
hey does any1 know any experienced physics tutors or tutoring colleges for phys??
i read the thread abt hsc plus physics tutorin wif brian shadwick??
does any1 go to him for tutor and know how to contact him for tutorin or alpha omega??
plz pm me if u kno any details..
thanx for all our replies, very helpful. so which text books do u recommend for prelim bio, chem and phy? And also are the practical assessments difficult for da sciences (just wonderin)?
hey, i'm doin 2 adv english, 3 maths, 2 bio, 2 chem and 2 physics and a 1 unit subject. i was just wonderin if it will be hard coping with the work load especially da 3 sciences. does that mean da prelim exams for all da sciences will be on da same week? Any tips on how to effectively study 3...