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  • bahhaa...stalker ;D

    oh yeah....sorry...i'm totally a bimbo... *cough cough* i am like....the complete opposite of bimbo...take my word for it...
    hahaha...smithfield's my antioch :p BAHAHA! ...coincidence ?

    yeah i know ey ? meh...i dont give a shit...STOP STALKING ME! ;D jks :p
    haha me too! :D

    well...not really... there are groups all over the world...but there are heaps! around NSW...camden, liverpool, toongabbie, maroubra, smithfield, etc etc...they're everywhere ;D

    nahh its not really like hillsong...its better ;D
    hahahaha....not quitee :p

    its an international church youth group...its pretty cool...

    haha...meeee tooo ;D i <3 placebo...every single song... :D
    going to my youth group, ever heard of Antioch ?

    so your name is Tristan ?? :) i'm Beth...

    bahhaa...actually its kinda supposed to be "forbiddensnowflake01" but it was too long...forbidden snowflake is from Ashtray Girl by Placebo :D ...but does tie in :p
    haha...i'm working on my dtech major...just finished time action plan using excel :p hahha... but yes...very exciting *yawn* i didnt...i chilled at home...i'm going out tonight tho...and i have a friend comin over tomorrow

    lend it to you ? hmm...actually i dont have wont let :| there's a lot of shit i cant do...
    sorry bout that :p
    oh and i told you cos i dont have it anymore....only on very rare and REALLY bad days....i'm over it so i can talk about it and that was part of my motivation for the project.... :)
    gnawww....there'll live...

    be happy you have a wont let me until i finish HSC
    i have shit friends sucks arse
    and BAHHAA! you're bad with girls ? i never would have guess that one...
    school sucks more :| me....people with depression dont know something is wrong, and they dont show it or say anything to glad dont have it...

    why do you feel sad for yourself ? :(
    hahha yeahh....very much so

    i used to have really bad depression... but i'm a lot more....well...normal is not the word...but myself :) hahaha.... ;D

    its mainly a motivational thing to help people feel better about themselves...but i'm gonna be looking at things like self esteem and depression, stereotypes, etc etc... :) its fun !
    10 and under yeahh... i know! was gross and bleh....and i am soooo glad i never have to wear it again! :D

    umm...i'm not sure actually...i was just looking u a couple of things and i started to comment on stuff and it just grew from there.....

    plus i wanted some feedback on my MDP :) so i started a thread :p
    nerrpp....we have pink and blue shirts at my for juniors (so glad i dont have to wear that every again)...
    LOL.....mental images again...

    but nuns at my school....there used to be ... :| and eeeep for getting smacked with canes :|
    bahhahaa...oh trust me.....we have sluts....many many many sluts :| but they just dont let themselves get caught...
    BAHA...not for me.....i'm quite straight thank you...

    but i'll let you keep your mental images....:|:p
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