Recent content by crex

  1. C

    Selling HSC/Prelim Textbooks $5/10 each

    $10 Each Maths in Focus Extension 1 (HSC) - Margaret Grove MANSA Mathematics Extension 1 - 2006 Excel HSC Physics - Neville Warren Physics Context 2 Excel Preliminary Chemistry - Jim Stamell Chemistry Contexts 1 Excel HSC Advanced English (Belonging) $5 Each Junior Highschoiol...
  2. C

    Need books for HSC/PRELIM MATHS,CHEM OR PHYS? Fear not! I've got you covered ;)

    HSC/PRELIM TXTBOOKS | PHYS | CHEM | 3u&4u MATHS Need some extra practice or just need some tricky content to be presented in a new light?. You've come to the right place! Here are the list of books that can help you smash the prelims and HSC! And even better, you can get them at a discounted...
  3. C

    Why do old men like me, rather than guys my own age? :O

    or maybe they had mistaken u for an old hag cos u looked like one so technically they were checking out someone their own age
  4. C


    oh right! thanks :)
  5. C


    For the above question why is the answer D but not C?
  6. C

    Ethanol classified as alkane?

    alrite thanks guys!
  7. C

    Ethanol classified as alkane?

    ^^ Thanks
  8. C

    Trig proving

    oh tyty
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    Trig proving

    Hey guys, how do you prove this? sin%28a-b%29&space;=&space;2&space;sin\frac{%28a-b%29}&space;{2}&space;cos&space;\frac&space;{%28a-b%29}2 Thanks!
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    yer m8 how about just study in a vacuum
  11. C

    How to Write Notes for Maths Exam

    one of the best test taking techniques ive come across imo (other than spamming questions and understand content) helps A LOT in reducing careless mistakes which would normally constitute half of the marks lost
  12. C

    How can I stop making silly mistakes?

    there r some pretty good advice from this thread: and the following article is a pretty good read regarding this matter: