Recent content by d00d34

  1. d00d34

    Speech pathology-camberland campus!

    Granted Cumberland is a small campus, and does get shafted in a few things compared to main campus, but the smallness is an advantage I think. You get to know more people from diff courses over the uni. And you never get lost lol. It seems you're really interested in speech pathology. Go for...
  2. d00d34

    Preparation for Practice

    I'm not sure if it still applies to prep for prac but you have to attend them, because they take the role and you have to attend at least 80% of the tutes. Prep for Prac basically...prepares your practice at clinicals, its good to go and get used to the practical side of things. I don't know...
  3. d00d34

    Radiography plans

    The bridging courses will prolly help you, but it is up to you. I know a whole bunch of people that went 'wtf?' when we were doing the bio component of the lectures since they didn't do bio in year 12. Not that much maths in diagnostic radiography. The physics concepts are more important...
  4. d00d34

    What do you hate about USyd

    No ATMs at the campus. But I go to the Cumberland campus, so no one really cares. :(
  5. d00d34

    Health risks of medical radiation courses?

    +1 Also you're wearing radiation badges that monitor the amount of radiation (if any) you receive. If some machine is faulty and spraying x-rays, they'll pick it up. You prolly getting dosed with background radiation now anyway.
  6. d00d34

    Document Delivery

    Not sure if this is 100% but I found it in the help section of MyLibrary: Never really requested anything, but I hope this helps. If all else fails, ask a library staff. :)
  7. d00d34

    Diagnostic Radiography help!

    For DR its 3 years full time then a 1 year PDY (Professional Development Year). DR is quite a bloodless career, not counting first year lab session with cadavers and the occassional dip into x-raying dead bodies. But usually you deal with live patients. The course isn't that hard. Maths and...
  8. d00d34

    considering diagnostic radiography... hsc subjects

    2U Maths and Physics would help a lot. But you can go for bridging courses. I just reckon the course is easier if you have at least maths and physics.
  9. d00d34

    Most Wanted Games? [2007]

    Bioshock - looks amazing and freaky Splinter Cell Conviction - new. improved? maybe. i'm a huge SC fan anyway. Mass Effect - bioware makes kickass epic rpgs Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations - cos i learn how to become a top-notch lawyer with nothing but a passionate heart...
  10. d00d34

    Post your Semester 2 (2007) timetable

    Re: Post your Semester 2 timetable meh, i'm pretty happy with my timetable. the important thing is fridays off.
  11. d00d34

    favourite "Sci-fi" book?

    Haven't read any Orson Scott Card, but I keep hearing good things about it. For me I have to say that it comes down to a tie for favourite sci-fi book. Dune by Frank Herbert and Neuromancer by William Gibson. If I had more money, I would be buying sci-fi books like hotcakes.
  12. d00d34

    Hitler's Live account banned

    lol...hella funny. and what's wrong with super mario brothers lol?
  13. d00d34


    discipline is key. you have to study regularly, whether its 30min blocks or 2 hour blocks. remember that success is dependant on effort.
  14. d00d34

    Microsoft Surface

    hard to say. definitely a chance in retail or where people need info. but i really don't think it'll be that'll useful in households, unless you want a really cool coffee table. is there a price tag?
  15. d00d34

    New Need For Speed

    that's good enough for me. but dammit, i'm going to need a new comp. looks hectic.