Recent content by DarlinJayne

  1. D

    Crime Fiction Poems?

    Does anyone know any crime fiction poems? I'd particularly like one by Poe but I can't seem to find any...
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    ATAR cutoffs are different for different UNIs because...?

    Some UNIs are thought of as higher than others? e.g. I want to do a Bachelor of Arts- at Sydney UNI it's 84 and at Ourimbah (local) is 68...
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    How much does ranking count toward the ATAR?

    I agree. Yes it's only ranking... Not your chance of getting into uni courses- each uni course entails different minimum ranks to get in... Thanks. I get to 50% thing now... Still really ranking is just based on marks. I was under the impression that a ranking meant something else. For...
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    How much does ranking count toward the ATAR?

    Explain? What do you mean determines 50%? How?
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    How much does ranking count toward the ATAR?

    Lot's of people say ranking really matters? How does it make any difference? I mean... you get what you get? I'm hoping to get an ATAR in the 90s but my grade is only very small? Would it be more likely in a bigger school?
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    Purpose of Rear Window???

    Any propsed answers to this question: "Explain the intentetions behind the works of Hitchcock's Rear Window." ? What intentions would this be talking about?
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    Related Texts for Rear Window?

    Lay 'em on me people. Prefferably short stories. :spin: Also I'm not interested in doing Disturbia.
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    Blade Runner + Frankenstein: What are Values & Themes?

    I'm having trouble distinguising between the values and the themes of each text. How would people define 'values' and how would you define 'themes'? Am I right in thinking Values are what the author is trying to put forward i.e. the authors values not the characters? And themes are just basic...