Hey little miss your marks and ranks seem bad but remember your school came 30th - the sam will not give you a good indication of how you went. This is because your school performs well so a middle ranking person (i'm not sure if you are in the middle) might be the equivilent of a dux some where...
LOL I have to agree with Sandez- 60s for you. Nar only kidding kid, the aa gangster who cannot speell is right, WOW even i'm shocked and thats rather hard..., you can get 100 depending on the subjects you do. For example standard english- if you smart you will get your band 6- ignore the...
Oh i think it is trash that people think that people with blind faith in a divine individual can lead are silly. Religion shouldn't be mixed with the state.
It would seem that a lot of you are confused about the UAI and the Board of Studies. The HSC is marked done by the Board of Studies ok. Now if you have applied to receive a UAI from the UAC, then the UAC scales information that the Board of Studies gives them ok. If you looked at the 2005...
Well i'm going for a max of 25/25, germany 23/25
Leni 24/25 and 18/25 for Vietnam (ran out of time to really flesh out the essay- but i covered around 75-85% of it) = 90 RAW. min i thinks of an 82ish.
Arh yeah, if you don't know about him open UP your textbook and read now. It's not to late. Basically he was a nationalist- who lived like another other north vietnamese - dressed like a farmer - in contrast to Diem / americans he was not arrogent not corrupt and used appropiate tactics in war +...
HSC English, as we know it is a waste of time. While it is interesting to look interpretations of works, such as Shakespeare, it is not fun to be examined on them. Great works of english should be examined for what they are not what others think they are. Likewise, we should not be examined on...
Who hasn't started studying yet and why ?
I know that my studying is about to be rewarded. After the HSC we have all the time in the world to muck around, but who hasn't started studying yet ?
Re: UAI verdict?
nar just kidding, you should do well.
Oh and the school matters - as they moderate your internal assessment marks to make sure that the internals are comparable to another school's internal marks. This means that if your school does really really baddly...
Gottman / ash - your going to get a band 6 in economics no ?
band 6 in bus band 6 in mod and your extension (total) mark is higher than that no ?
band 6 in eng advanced - not sure about ext 1 (band 5/6)
Oh and what happened to maths ? LOL
so i'd say CHECK THE SAM, its more accurate then a...
Stop, pause, take a good look around- now count to 10. You are addressing an intelligent, cultured and well read audience so it is wrong of you to assume that religious texts have not been read by a great percentage of the people posting... All I can really say is that you are a fool , the...
before you flame me for saying this, I have not read through the over 200 + pages...
There is a simple answer to the question of whether god exists or not, the answer is another question: do we need to believe in a god like being ?
I would propose that religion, not including recent ones...