My mind: friends, sport, school, shopping, maths, chocolate, sleeping, eating, studying, lol-ing around, sitting in gum/wet paint...laziness?

My life: same as the above ;P (minus study, currently

The 3 deadly ess's
*1. SpOrTs! sPoRt! SpOrTs! sPoRt! **2. sHoPpInG! ShOpPiNg! sHoPpInG! ShOpPiNg! ***3. sLeePiNg! sLeePiNg! sLeEpInG!sLeePiNg! *1. soccer, beach and indoor volleyball, basketball, XC, touch footy, hockey. **2. sunglasses, shoes, shirts, shorts, socks, skittles, sprinkles, sandwiches, sweet strawberries, single males (jj xD),...hats, bags, *pants*