Recent content by Drongoski

  1. D

    Should I learn ahead for vectors and mechanics?

    In my opinion: it would be very helpful to read up on the part of Physics on Mechanics: understand the part on motion, Newton's 3 Laws of Motion, understand a bit on Friction, esp that there is a maximum for an object on a given surface = mu x normal reaction. In reading this topic, you'd have...
  2. D

    physics is easier than chem

    Not pertinent: but if you are male, you should be baba2000.
  3. D

    Perms and combs

    It is indeed B.
  4. D

    old cambridge 3u math y11 textbook

    I've copies of actual textbooks for sale, cheap. If you can pick up at Epping station, may be worth your while. PM me if interested.
  5. D

    Do You Value Your Life?

    OK. Some of you may be wondering why I put up this seemingly crazy post. Well, you may have read from time to time, young people like most of you, going on a joyride in your friend's car. He has perhaps just got his red P-plate a few months back. There are 3 or 4 of you joining the ride. Maybe...
  6. D

    Do You Value Your Life?

    Many young people, aged between 15 - 18, have lost their lives needlessly, causing untold grief to their family, loved ones and friends.
  7. D

    What languages do you speak fluently?

    You can speak Teochew with me. My own tongue is Hokkian (usually less accurately transliterated as Hokkien).
  8. D

    am i cursed cus my school uses maths in focus

    Nothing to stop you from getting your own copies of the Cambridge of Fitzpatrick textbooks; and go thru them yourself.
  9. D

    pulley question

    Remember: friction is not a fixed force. I call it an "annoying force" in that if an object is trying to move up the incline, friction acts down the incline to oppose your motion. If the object is sliding down the plane, then the friction will act in the opposite direction, up the incline. And...
  10. D

    If you live near Epping, I'd be delighted to provide you face-to-face 1-on-1 tutoring in 4U...

    If you live near Epping, I'd be delighted to provide you face-to-face 1-on-1 tutoring in 4U Maths. Message me first if interested.
  11. D

    Easy Integral Question

    I "invented" this method (let's for now call it the "Drongoski Method"). A 2-hour lesson would be sufficient for an introduction to my method. So far, I've attracted no interest. I think they don't know what my approach is all about. But I believe it to be a very powerful, intuitive and very...
  12. D

    inequality problem

    Ok. Posted it especially for your benefit, since you indicated multiple times you could not follow my explanation.
  13. D

    inequality problem

    But is this version of any help. Do you now understand my solution?