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  • haha i love your enthusiasm :)

    kate nash is more than alright!
    she's my hero
    i dyed my hair red for her

    nah i meant like the cynical way
    but a voice that high can't be that natual right?

    haha ewwwy maths
    i have to study for a maths test too but thats in 2 weeks so thats kind of ok lol.
    english is on wednesday :(
    cant stand my new english teacher. my old one left :( she was the best!

    taylor swift is not too bad
    i love kate nash <3!

    haha weather is shittttt!
    maybe i'm just pessismistic
    haha im only me when im with you <3 thats my obsessed right now.
    well delta & taylor are my favourites.
    umm i also love anna nalick, jess mauboy, missy higgins, i love abba too hahha!
    I can't sleep in tomorrow..
    i gotta wake up at 8am !! grrrr

    and the heat wave is just so intense that i can't fall asleep anyway..:(:(
    My homework won't be completed till sunday night!! grrrrrr

    Yes, can't imagine it getting any better than this :p:p
    I'm also tired too!
    and it's hot as well!
    and i too have a stack of homework !!

    Hi five :D
    it's the best ..i reckon =p
    and what course is that miss sunshine?
    i think i am starting to have second thoughts on my 'rushed' decision.

    Well my physics class has about 22 people and our biology class has about 20 people .. and chemistry about 12.

    No, not much work at all. Just bits of h/wrk for maths,legal,physics,chemistry and that's all.
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