Recent content by Eeeek

  1. E

    5 days to learn 2 yrs worth of work!

    Sarah, Im glad you have a life......but during high school i was too busy working on my major works for drama and ex2 english to give a shit about maths.....yes i bludged and yes it is all up to me but hey i still got 80% for maths and that was purely from cramming in 5 days. U r the one who got...
  2. E

    5 days to learn 2 yrs worth of work!

    Sarah Sarah Sarah......well i can congradulate your motivation...i actually finished the hsc last that post was from ages ago.....all i can say is that i wagged every maths lesson to have a smoke, didnt do jack and i still got a great mark...who knows hoe....i guess thats just the way...
  3. E

    Too Short...too Easy!

    I dont understand how someone could do 4 topics in 1hour 45 mins, like hello ur essays must have been short pieces of shit...sorry but i hate ppl that brag and brag, like as if ppl that arnt confident dont feel shit enough and you come along and go on and on about how good u r. I have a friend...
  4. E

    who else did not finish

    lady said pens down just as i was writing no, after my working out on last q....pretty lucky.
  5. E

    Question 25

    HAHA, all you smart ppl, i just wrote next to the question...i have no idea and aint gunna pretend i do! Do u think they will give me a mark??????:rolleyes:
  6. E

    5 days to learn 2 yrs worth of work!

    Hey stressed.....u think u did bad...i got
  7. E

    5 days to learn 2 yrs worth of work!

    Hey all, ummm just wondering if anyone is in my situation and if anyone knows how i can learn the whole of general maths in 5 days? Unfortunately im not exactly a maths wizz....more of the creative type and i havent really been to maths most of the years and if i was there i didnt do
  8. E

    DoNt StreSS aboUt FeatURE ARticlE

    Shuite, i completely forgot to put on a heading...didnt even think about it....omg....gunna fail that bit!:jaw:
  9. E


    Yeah i was pretty confused by the question. I thought it was way too general so i just crapped on about medias manipulation of the truth....i think i might have ignored the question a bit...oh well!!!!:rolleyes:
  10. E

    anyone use real people in lear conversation??

    lol....i used Danny and Tate and they had a heated discussion about whether the play should remain a tragedy or be a romance.....Danny also had a bit of a go at Tate for being a guy, as she explained her feminist slant to the production!!!! I had a lot of fun with this question, although i only...
  11. E

    BR/BNW Context

    Ummmm i was a bit confused by the question, but i pretty much just talked about how huxley was making a satirical comment about society, and i was off there?:confused: I also spoke about how Scott decided to make the mivie after seeing the living conditions in Japan and his ideas...
  12. E

    Stupid shakespear

    Shakespeare not so stupid! Personally i thought the King Lear question was exellent. After having to do 2 essays i was pretty relieved to be able to have a bit of creative fun whilst still showing off all that i knew. I am greatful to the people who wrote the question. Imagine having to do 3...