Recent content by Four Yrs Wasted

  1. F

    Repeating HSC/Transferring Advice

    Hmmm...theres not much I can do regarding Optometry, since its only offered at 3 Unis. B Science @ Melbourne University, then transfer to Optometry. Seems very risky. Ah, I remember my mathematics teacher saying this back in year 12: "Dont let your UAI determine your future" Well...
  2. F

    science sucks at uni

    So the general consensus here is that science suck. Great. :(
  3. F

    Pharmacy Questions

    Yeah. Shouldnt worry me that much, since im not doing an internal transfer (Engineering --> Science is external). Guess I have to apply through UAC
  4. F

    Pharmacy Questions

    A few more questions... 1) If i make an interal transfer from one degree to another, will I recieve a new transcript, or will it just be combined with the previous one? 2) Would it be advantageous if I studied B. Science at USyd, rather than UTS?
  5. F

    Pharmacy Questions

    Im definitely not sick of your opinion, since your opinion brings great news to me. I guess its a fresh start. My old transcript is so stale, and so dull. Yeah, im just hoping that science 1st year will allow me to achieve that. Might need a greater effort, but at least I have something to...
  6. F

    Pharmacy Questions

    G'day Im considering a career in pharmacy, and would like to ask some questions regarding transferring. 1) A search on this forum reveals that you can transfer to Pharmacy from any course/degree, provided: - You've got atleast a credit average after 1 year of study - STAT Test > 150...
  7. F

    Repeating HSC/Transferring Advice

    Thanks for the link kami Ive had a very long thought about this for the past few days, with regards to the posts in this thread. While technically I have wasted 4 years, its acutally 2.5 years I've completed the course/degree, and 1.5 years due to my failures, and due to the fact that im only...
  8. F

    how to get a job @ subway?

    Holy Shyte! I feel like we have connected some how! Yes, the managers name starts with a massive "D". You could also say shes a sheep shagger, and has problems pronouncing chips properly. Ooops, ive strayed off-topic! Anyways, they are still looking for people to fill up their 20 or so...
  9. F

    Which Bus/Comm Degree has the most asians (yes i am greedy) :P

    Slightly offtopic, but still has some relevance to the original post. Which course has the most beautiful, lucious, loving females? And at which uni? Engineering has jack all!
  10. F

    how to get a job @ subway?

    Provided you live close, and you dont mind staying up to 11PM the latest, then yeah, by all means, go ahead an apply. Tell them you dont mind closing. Its usually males that close, simply because the owners fear a female would be attacked. Mind you, females have closed before. Having said...
  11. F

    How hard is uni?

    Ive heard this directly from the horses mouth - My lecturer, from the faculty of business (Yes, Engineers also need to understand how something as simple as balance sheet, or a T ledger works). I've also heard it from other respected authorities, and friends.
  12. F

    how to get a job @ subway?

    Sorry do dig up such an old thread, but if anyone is interested at working late, Subway RNS are desperately seeking males that can do closing shifts. They are currently closing very early - 8PM, instead of the usual time of 10PM. Just a warning though. The manager is a bitch.
  13. F

    How hard is uni?

    Im not trying to scare anyone regarding failing subjects. Its just that some employers use failing a subject as a method of culling candidates for a position, regardless of their other marks, skills, and life. "I see X, I reject"
  14. F

    Repeating HSC/Transferring Advice

    Lets assuming I do go down that route: HD's (GPA 7) in all subjects for Bsc (vision science) in the first year. Do well in UMAT UAI: 80+ Doesnt look like ill make the course, simply because of my low UAI. So the moral of the story? Dont be an ass like me! Study hard, and get a bloody...
  15. F

    How hard is uni?

    I wish those advice was given to me when I first started uni.