hey i didnt think this wud wrk wiv mobile lol.
its rlly cold here, great timing i chose to cum here lol
no assignments sounds bliss, HSC next term :s
oh well. i get an extra wk off :). hope your having fun :)
hi, yeaha its been a while. i'm alright i suppose :) how are you?
yeh, europe. should be fun this time round :) i'm going to 5 different countries, 5 different related family members want to see my gorgeous face :p lol
hope you're having a great holiday yourself (Y)
yeah, i have been there before, the start of this year ironically enough with my ex too lol, anyway,
exams were pretty easy for me, but i'm convinced i'm dropping business studies, its just too twisted for my liking lol.
yeah, its alright. it was gonna happen anyway, just a matter of time.
Yeah, i'm going to Europe for 2 weeks, starting thursday :) it should be nice to catch up with family etc.
How was exams for you?
swan is a slimy worm, trying to talk his way out of this email mess he's created lol.
he thought by accusing the government of fraudulent activities all the focus would be on them.. turns out he's gained the most negative attention coz his record isn't as clean as everyone thought.. he was...