Recent content by gcspsp

  1. G

    Prospective jobs in science/engineering?

    yes i am going to do chemical...
  2. G

    Public display of affection

    i disagree, but i do feel that tongueing is a bit of a put off.
  3. G


    its actually quite pleasing...but then once you get past that 5th ciggie for the day it starts to get well...meh
  4. G

    Engineering Grad Salaries

    If youve got enough experience, project management roles can earn close to $100K if not more.
  5. G


    OMG! I really think I love you! (Y)(Y)(Y) rep'd for the fukn truth!
  6. G


    He lied, them darts...aint no quitting from them - trust me.
  7. G

    Who would you turn gay for?

    daniel craig, definitely daniel craig. or hank moody from californication - hes got this 'thing' about him.
  8. G

    Linear algerbra

    maths is the sex!
  9. G

    Prospective jobs in science/engineering?

    job prospects for engineering: local beer sampling, interstate brewery expeditions (solely for the beer), international brewery expeditions (solely for the beer)....and also possibly interplanetary expeditions (solely to sample beer brewed under varied atmospheric and elemental conditions) [last...
  10. G

    which branch of engineering is good?

    my dick strongly agrees with you.
  11. G

    Accessing the JD at Melbourne. What is required?

    twas' hilarious! [no sarcasm]
  12. G

    uni in america

    Sif you'd do Eng at an Ivy League school. MIT is where you wanna go.
  13. G

    Job Prospects

    Stop it! You're scaring me! I hope to become a well paid Chemical Engineer a few years after graduation...:(
  14. G

    im afraid that im not sure of a love there is no cure for

    im afraid that im not sure of a love there is no cure for
  15. G

    i think i love you.

    i think i love you.