Hi! I graduated in 2021 from a top ten selective school :)
English Advanced HSC
Common Module (The Crucible)
Comparative essay between The Crucible & Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky (Mark: 14/15, Rank: 19/170)
The Crucible essay
Notes (Includes quotes, analysis, extra paragraphs I...
i like to first separate my essay into paragraphs and then i type the first line and read it in my head and then type that line without looking and once im done i try remember the 2nd line and once i think that i fully memorised it i retype both the 1st and 2nd. lol u will be fine 2 weeks is...
hi everyone so like since the test is tmr i rlly need tips on inequalities (like the actual q16 type beat inequalities) like i look at the question and i just fucking zone out like does anyone legit have any tips except for do more questions like ive been doing that and i cant get it around my...
lol is this sghs? ahhaah i would structure it like an essay and make sure to cite ur sources btw just in case cuz our teacher told us the day before the hand in date so everyone was like all fucked n in panic mode. And make sure to create a thesis to let markers know what your report is mainly...
hi so just a question but what does the paper look like for math? because for our common tasks we usually got a question book and like separate paper leaflets where we had to put in our working out but someone told me that for the hsc they give us like specific amount of lines (EDIT: in a...
i used to memorise by writing by hand but found that it fked up my wrist so now i memorise by typing and honestly it saves so much more time. I type a sentence and memorise then memorise the next and rewrite everything full on n repeat till ur done
lol imo theres no right or wrong in english it's literally poetic bullshitting so dont stress fr.
1. Personally, I study by memorising essays. Now i know some people don't like this but i mean its worked for me and it worked for others. You just need to practice adapting to different questions...
okay i might get shit for this but just the fact that you attend a top ten selective school might be enough for you to get accepted for an early entry to wsu and uts tbh. As far as I know, I don't know a single person in my school who got rejected from uts and most people have been offered a...
tbh i think it depends because i have a few friends who write 3 body paragraphs with each body discussing a different poem. But I think most people choose 2 poems because then you can do 4 body paragraphs and actually compare the two.