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  • Salute, Exalted Member.

    Lol, it seems that you enjoyed being an Executive Member?
    Current Activity: Viewing Conversation
    Who you stalking?

    Lol kidding, aww that's nice.

    why damn electricity? If it wasn't for electricity, then no internet, no computers, no fans, no lights, practically no life. :D

    yerr it is boring, but it's fun coz u learn new skills wif technology and new softwares and stufff

    howd u go at uni todayy

    ICT = Information Communications Technology

    Nahh, it's really pretty fun to do because you know what to do, but the thing is - msot of the content, I'm already familiar with. =P

    Ethical consideratiosn regarding ICT - plaigarism and copyright and crap lol
    Yes, perhaps.

    Man, I have an assignment on the ethical considerations of using ICT in teaching.

    It's really easy, which is why it's time wasting. :D
    Thank you.

    Nawwww, you sound very busy coz of uni. Mmmhkk, don't take uni too hard. Just relax, we're all going through the same thing, lol.

    Just don't talk to me now.


    I hate you.

    You're so mean!

    I only just concluded that you may be of an agreeable nature, but I was wrong. :(

    Meanie. :(


    I don't understand his language.

    I invite you to the Saturday party tomorrow. But only if you promise to be nice to me. :D

    How's uni crackiing, ay?
    Uhm, you're a "pretty dang awesomee duuuuuuuuuuuuuude"?


    I have an assignment on Othello =( ... The Shakespearean play. :(
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