Recent content by haley11

  1. haley11

    What are your Favourite Brands of Clothes

    My all time fav brand is RUSTY ....i love it also i like: Supre Bonds Cruise Jay Jays Champion Nike(for sports stuff-shoes)
  2. haley11

    Skinny Jeans

    i dont really go much on skinny jeans...they're just not me, but they do look good on other people
  3. haley11

    what is your cup size?

    So what are "nice boobs"?? -(curious)
  4. haley11

    What are your Favourite Brands of Clothes

    What are your favourite Brands of Clothes to Buy/Wear???
  5. haley11


    I love the F350's they look tuff and done up, they look even better..specially the pink F truck on the simple life
  6. haley11

    What car do you own?

    i drive a blue skyeline Turbo.... i really love the old XY fords utes preferably the red and black ones or the purple and black ones... My Boyfriend is a huge car freek(he is a mechanic) he loves holdens and HATES fords..... he drives a VC SLE 308 V8 commodore....its soooo hot but wants a...
  7. haley11

    PSP or DS???

    yeah i agree i have both of those games and enjoyed them
  8. haley11

    PSP or DS???

    well this might sound lame but i think that its really sad that Nintendo 64 has been wiped out (the making of the games and consoles anyway) i really liked the games. However we did get a Nintendo Game cube for christmas a couple of years ago and it was really good. For christmas this year i...
  9. haley11

    Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling

    Well im a slacko and i got distracted while trying to read Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix so i didnt finish it. However I started it again so i could remember what happened so i could start reading the new book. And i quite agree that it is very irritating that people who have...
  10. haley11

    ft n hospitality

    well i really like is alot better experience and more hands on... i dont go much on food Tech though its more confusing and to scientific, i think im really gunna bum out on that in my HSC..... i better get studying (lol)
  11. haley11

    Chef as a alternatice Career?

    yeah, getting an apprenticeship as a chef is exactly what i want to do and have wanted to do so since i was 8 years old. ive always liked the presentation side of things, but i also really enjoy cooking and creating new things...
  12. haley11

    Methods Of Cookery-notes

    Methods of cookery hey just in case ur not havin much luck wid ur methods of cookery.... a really great book to check out which most schools should have in " Heinemann @ work" "Hospitality Book 1" Find i quite strange that none of u seem to be using this Text book. u should try and find...
  13. haley11

    WILFRED OWEN notez roite hurrr ->

    Wilfred Site wow.thanx that site saved me i have half yearlys on monday and these notes have really been a great help
  14. haley11

    Food Preservation Assignmnet

    Food tech-Preservation I recently did an assessment of preservation of foods. The method i used was also bottling.....i made relish, which included sugar and vinegar as the preserver Also i preserved apples which used a syrup as a preserver-2 parts water 1 part sugar....