Our area of study is Imaginative Journeys
& set text is Ender's Game
I have chosen The Cat in the Hat as a related text.
I have been abe to find techniques & relate this to imaginative journeys but having trouble relating it to Ender's Game.
Any suggestions are appreciated.
Im doing Harry Potter & the philosopher's stone & believe that it is an excellent text.
Our set text is Ender's Game & it is relatble in so many different ways.
Changing Perspectives
Last year (Yr11) our Area Of Study was Changing Perspectives.
Our set text was Looking For Alibrandi.
I used these text's for comparision to the AOS & set text:
Sk8er Boi - Avril Lavinge (Song lyrics)
Losing It - Lizzie Wilcock (Novel)
A Change of Perspective - Ruth...