Recent content by huangwenhao

  1. H

    E12 Scheme

    Cool i applied for electrical engineering too !
  2. H

    Which book has better hsc worked solutions?

    Hi guys, I'm wondering which book i should buy for hsc papers with worked solutions unless somebody has hsc worked solutions online. Which book is more recommended to buy with clear and comprehensible worked solutions ? coroneos publications success one the mathematical association of...
  3. H

    How to stop procastination?

    Hi, lately I've been procastinating a lot. How do I stop?
  4. H

    How do I get a 91+ ATAR with these subjects?

    Well hopefully homebush boys or sefton high school, if not arthur phillip high school.
  5. H

    How do I get a 91+ ATAR with these subjects?

    Well hopefully homebush boys or sefton high school, if not arthur phillip high school.
  6. H

    How do I get a 91+ ATAR with these subjects?

    Nah actually I'm applying after first semester but I'm applying for Year 12 after Term 3 this year.
  7. H

    How do I get a 91+ ATAR with these subjects?

    Well I've been looking for another school lately and I'm hoping to move by the end of the first semester so I can get Advanced English instead of Standard English and also Economics and Legal Studies instead of Business Studies and Modern History.
  8. H

    How do I get a 91+ ATAR with these subjects?

    Well, in Standard English we have about 20 students. In 2 Unit Advanced Mathematics we have about 12 students. In 3 Unit Extension 1 Mathematics we have about 8 students. In Physics we have about 20 students. In Chemistry we have about 14 students. In Business Studies we have about 22 students...
  9. H

    How do I get a 91+ ATAR with these subjects?

    I can't change from Standard to Advanced English because our school doesn't offer Advanced English because no one got band 6 in the school certificate in english.
  10. H

    How do I get a 91+ ATAR with these subjects?

    I want to get a 91+ ATAR so I can get into engineering at unsw. I am currently in Year 11. My school doesn't do very well in the HSC with on average only 5 people getting 90s ATAR and 10 people getting into university every year. In my year this year we only have about 30 students. What marks do...
  11. H

    Which of these subjects should I do for Year 11 and Year 12?

    I am doing biology as one of my subjects this year in year 11. It is the most boring subject and my teacher isn't very good. Should I switch to IPT (Information Processes Technology) or Modern History instead of doing biology. Which one scales your ATAR up higher?