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  • Man, you give alot of reputation. I wonder how you achieved your status in the first place, being a Christian and conservative and all on this website.
    you sir!
    was totally going to send you a valentines card when the time came, but if you're moving haus then thats a fail of an idea :(
    Hey Iron, I'd like to obtain a tangible copy of the Catechism of the Catholic Church. I know that it's on the net, but reading off a computer screen hurts my eyes. Would it be sold at the local Catholic Parish, or would a Catholic priest be able to give me one?

    How can we Orthodox reconcile and reunite with our Catholic brothers if we don't understand one another? That's the website of my beloved Coptic Orthodox Church if you're interested in learning more of Oriental Orthodoxy.

    The Coptic Orthodox Church Of Australia

    God bless.
    Hey Iron, I was unable to wish you a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year because I was away fishing. So merry christmas and happy new year Catholic friend, albeit it is a tad late.
    Merry Christmas fren.

    Please tell the people in the complain about the mods thread that they are cunting fuckfaces and to shut up.

    Best wishes, Anonymous.
    eeeeeeek i didnt think to get that photo :(
    my card seems like shit compared to yours
    next time i'll just send myself in a box to you
    Dear Catholic friend, I kindly ask that you stroll to the 'Catholic' group and read my new posts. They are excellent posts if I may say so myself, and I am disposed to believe that they will source agreement from you.

    Regards sir.
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