Recent content by is2buddaflies

  1. is2buddaflies

    After te Bomb Resource Material

    Hey :) Can any 09 afb'rs or '10 post essays/creatives for an example of how to answer approach essay questions. Attach essays and creatives on 03 Microsoft format
  2. is2buddaflies


    oh hey, thanks for the detailed message
  3. is2buddaflies


    Is it possible to finish your HSC through Distance ed. or Tafe in term 3 ?
  4. is2buddaflies


    Heyy, :) when did you start studying ? what books did you use ?
  5. is2buddaflies


    Okay, so now that holidays have now begun what study are you attempting *shifty* umat? hsc prep? I need to start and have no idea what to work on first... apart from cleaning my room that is
  6. is2buddaflies

    heyy sorrry took ages to respnd, i get the spy now :) wat related's did u do for atb ? thank...

    heyy sorrry took ages to respnd, i get the spy now :) wat related's did u do for atb ? thank you for the help
  7. is2buddaflies

    not much haha :)

    not much haha :)
  8. is2buddaflies

    yooo srry i never read ur msgs til 2ad :P anyway how are you going ? studying umat D: ?

    yooo srry i never read ur msgs til 2ad :P anyway how are you going ? studying umat D: ?
  9. is2buddaflies

    hey, random question, who are you ?

    hey, random question, who are you ?
  10. is2buddaflies

    standard integral sheet

    is there such a thing as sig. love ?
  11. is2buddaflies

    'after the bomb' elective for ext eng

    Im studying the same texts Don Delilio's White Noise .. wikipedia it
  12. is2buddaflies

    'after the bomb' elective for ext eng

    omg hi5 at first reading her poetry i simply laballed her as a psychopath and just wrote notes aimlessly. It seems that she was the only sane one around ... has anyone thought of good afb creative ideas ? do we have to encapsulate the whole period i.e. Hiroshima- Berlin Wall in our writings ...
  13. is2buddaflies

    After the Bomb 2009 HSC Essay

    When i saw this question i thought of examining the way POLITICAL events i.e. holocaust, hiroshima,berlin wall impact individuals on a personal level through the texts. e.g. Sylvia plath uses the holaucaust as a macabre extended metaphor and allusion to convey her personal hatred towards her...
  14. is2buddaflies

    Module B - After The Bomb

    heyy thanks for the advice, appreciate it :) i like espionage so il prolly read it, but ive heard its a bore the philosophy of existentialism would be interesting
  15. is2buddaflies

    Module B - After The Bomb

    u also do the spy ! i can't seem to understand the text and theres nothing available online, would you be able to assist me with some Q's on the spy ?