I did both subjects. Society and culture doesn't really teach about interaction, rather is simply teachers about another religion and culture, it wont be of help to you. Business on the other hand will teach you more so about marketing yourself and everything involved in a business.
Yeah this section stuffed me up too. I had an essay prepared on islam and christianity and their similarities and differences. Still managed to write around 7 pages though and make up a few organisations that contribute to world peace
This years short answers were heaps different then every other year.
They didnt test inflation, unemployment or distribution of income and wealth. I think it was a really lame exam. test really test a variety of topics
America is now in a recession. They are our major trading partners so the volatility of their market and shares will ultimately affect our dollar. Also , there isn't much expenditure within our economy atm, which devalues the dollar. However, the lower our dollar, the more internationally...
i was just wondering if you could help me to further understand the way assessment marks work.
Is it true that if i get 65% in assessment marks, ranking me 10th
And in hsc i get 90% in that subject, ranking me first
Do i take the first assesment mark within my year group?