Recent content by Laxu01010

  1. Laxu01010

    Can anyone who has completed physics or chemistry answer this?

    he most likley did module 5 last term
  2. Laxu01010

    Can anyone who has completed physics or chemistry answer this?

    imo, its not worth doing year 11 questions just keep doing year 12 stuff. You will find cross over when it comes up. For M2 of chem isnt that important excpept for like n=m/MM and pV=NRT. M4 has entropy and enthalpy which might be useful to revise (depending on if you did M7 or M5 in term 4 last...
  3. Laxu01010

    Do you need to know how to calculate FIFO and LIFO

    and is it like the COGS formula or something?
  4. Laxu01010

    Just finished mod 7

    Why was mod 7 kinda easy, thought it would be harder, its just memorisation. I think I'm gonna get screwed by 5 and 6 because I suck at maths questions but mod 8 looks fun, might be wrong tho. For those who go to schools who do mod 5 first was it hard? and did you finish it fast?
  5. Laxu01010

    Can someone explain how English standard is harder to get a band 6 in the literally any other subject

    I don’t get it. There was only 99 band 6s in 2023 out of the tens of thousands of students who do it, How is it that hard? do they mark it harshly? Does a 90 raw scale down? Im so confused. And why does maths standard not this bad. At this rate I’m more likely to get a band 6 in Chemistry over...
  6. Laxu01010

    Implications of hydrocarbons

    theres one on biofuel but not on the dot point im talking about
  7. Laxu01010

    Implications of hydrocarbons

    Has the dot point in module 7 regarding the enviromental, economic and socialcultural implications of obtaining and using hydrocarbons ever been assed in the HSC. I cant find a question including it using HSC search or just skimming
  8. Laxu01010

    Do not know what subject to drop

    I do SOR 1 and to be honest it's quit a lot of work for only 1 unit. What I will say is chemistry in year 12 is so much better than year 11 and also its very useful for certain uni degrees. But if you dont want to do a degree with chemistry just drop it.
  9. Laxu01010

    Geography 2025 New HSC Syllabus

    Thanks for the sample exam I didn't know that existed. My only concern is how little the sample exam relies on the syllabus. The only questions that are content based are Q6, kinda Q14, Q17, Q18, Q19 and kinda Q20. As well as the section 4 essay. Though I am sure past geography exams have been...
  10. Laxu01010

    Geography 2025 New HSC Syllabus

    Hey, was just wondering if anyone knows what the best way to go about doing Geography for HSC next year as im starting get worried that this sylabus is a bunch of gibberish and is going to be impossible to do well in without any past exams. Prelims were abosultely terrible, our independent paper...