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  • Hi Harley.
    Studying works best (for me anyway) when you have a clear goal (certain ATAR/UAI, marks in particular subjects, dream career/courses/Uni etc). It makes studying feel like it's important and purposeful and you'll be far more motivated to put your head down and work.
    As for studying itself, do exam-style questions from HSC past papers. It's good to revise by doing summary notes but they only go so far. You need to get a feel for the types of questions you'll get in the exams. And put yourself under pressure when you do them and get your teachers to mark them and give feedback (particularly essays).
    Other than that, just give it a good go. We've only got about a month left till exams so giving these few weeks a solid effort can make a real difference to your results.
    Hope that helps.
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