Oh, and, the Saudi Arabian's being Wahhabists was not mentioned in my post, actually, nothing about Saudia Arabia was... i stated all muslims aren't arabic, which is a fact, and by the way, all muslims aren't Wahhabists.
I, personally am a Sunni muslim... and Wahhabists are a more...
HAHA, hmm ok... i made one mistake... instead of "i'm sorry" i wrote "i sorry" yes. typo's happen, get the fuck over it.
i 'rebut' to ur comment because you used your stupidity as facts, for something to be a joke, it has to be funny, and well you sterotyping.. is you just being an asshole...
haha, the fact you can only critisize the fact i use ... in my writing is kind of a compliment.. and to reply to that, its how i write, or want to write, so either dont read my posts or be a grown up and ignore it.
and the religion thing is a generalisation... take it as you may :D i proved...
WOW. i can't believe im going to reply to such an intellectually challenged person as you are... but here goes...
the fact that u think all muslims are arab? well it just shows how clueless you really are... you're more than able to express your oppinion on the religion.. but you cannot use...
:S woah.... well all i have to say is... there christian schools around... soo they must be creating a 'niche'... so whats to stop a muslim school.. or in this case a muslim cemetory? hah if u really want to talk about niche's and how they shouldnt be around... then we should all just accept the...
hahaha i dont know... i think business was so straight forward... where as business was full off different things we didnt expect.. the fourth text in the first section? hahah and the poem! ...
i think business was great! compared to anything and everything.
Re: The Poem Was About A Dog?
HAHAH god that poem confused the hell out off me.. but yeah i was wondering whether it was a dog? with all the snifffing etc? ahhaha
and if it wasnt.. the guy had a problem.
but i tried not to include the sniffing or w/e in the quote they asked..
used one off...