I have now decided my previous topic was not focused on society and cultre and now have decided to put my research and PIP into a new topic ! Let me know what you think, any ideas, methodologies, or have any of your friends PIP's with similar topics so i can gather an insight overall.
My topic...
Hey ! I have now decided my previous topic was not focused on society and cultre and now have decided to put my research and PIP into a new topic ! Let me know what you think, any ideas, methodologies, or have any of your friends PIP's with similar topics so i can gather an insight overall.
Could someone that has done History Extension please let me know if controversial reconstruction of the palace of knossos is a good idea?
Or do you have any other ideas, also please post up previous HIPs, i would like just to look at them so i can get an idea.
How do you do well in a HIP...
the controversial reconstruction of the palace of knossos?
Is this a good HIP topic, does anyone have any information or know if this is a topic that i can succeed in. Or does anyone have ideas for better topics.
If possible could ex students please post up some past HIP's so i can get an...
My pip topic is 'the great depression compared to the economic crisis of today'
Can anyone think of a catchy, witty title for this ? or think of anything useful to put in, im still deciding if its too hard a topic or not ? Ardvice, please